
Visualizzazione dei post da aprile 2, 2021

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Supreme Court to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders

Immagine Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • obviously: LGBT ideologies threaten the survival of mankind! Trump asks the Supreme ourt to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders  ovviamente: le ideologie degli lgbt minacciano la sopravvivenza del genere umano! Trump chiede alla orte Suprema di legittimare il licenziamento dei transgender Supreme ourt to legitimize dismissal transgenders lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa Ehud Barak [Former Prime Ministers of Israel] as: patron, shareholder, and personal friend of Jeffrey Epstein, he is no longer fit or politically eligible Ehud Barak [Ex Primi ministri di Israele] come: frequentatore, azionista, e amico personale di Jeffrey Epstein, non è più idoneo o candidabile politicamente ilprimatonazionale it/esteri/quadro-clinton-vesti...

#IRAN, Bashar Hafiz al-Asad بشار حافظ الأسد, Baššār Ḥāfiẓ al-Asad, Syrian, current president of Syria

#IRAN Bashar Hafiz al-Asad بشار حافظ الأسد Baššār Ḥāfiẓ al-Asad Syrian current president of Syria and successor of his father Hafiz al-Assad. إذا ، عبدة الكوكب ، لا يعودون ، إلى إلههم JHWH ، في مملكتي إسرائيل ، كأرواحهم ، وكيف يمكن إنقاذ الحياة ، على هذا الكوكب؟ if the satanists of the planet do not return to their God JHWH in my Kingdom of Israel as their souls and how could life on this planet be saved? se i satanisti del pianeta non ritornano dal loro Dio JHWH nel mio Regno di Israele come le loro anime e come la vita in questo pianeta potrebbe salvarsi? lorenzojhwh nius REI kingdom #IRAN Bashar Hafiz al-Asad بشار حافظ الأسد Baššār Ḥāfiẓ al-Asad Syrian current president of Syria and successor of his father Hafiz al-Assad. لا أشك في الإخلاص / الطاعة عبدة الشيطان لهذا الكوكب لإرادتي! I do not doubt the fidelity / obedience of the satanists of this planet to my will! io non dubito della fedeltà/obbedienza dei satanisti di questo pianeta al mio volere! l...

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Supreme Court to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders

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