
Visualizzazione dei post da aprile 19, 2021

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Supreme Court to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders

Immagine Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • obviously: LGBT ideologies threaten the survival of mankind! Trump asks the Supreme ourt to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders  ovviamente: le ideologie degli lgbt minacciano la sopravvivenza del genere umano! Trump chiede alla orte Suprema di legittimare il licenziamento dei transgender Supreme ourt to legitimize dismissal transgenders lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa Ehud Barak [Former Prime Ministers of Israel] as: patron, shareholder, and personal friend of Jeffrey Epstein, he is no longer fit or politically eligible Ehud Barak [Ex Primi ministri di Israele] come: frequentatore, azionista, e amico personale di Jeffrey Epstein, non è più idoneo o candidabile politicamente ilprimatonazionale it/esteri/quadro-clinton-vesti...

jihad idol Allah islamic sharia Attacks on Christian Women and Girls

orte Suprema respinge la sfida del GOP alle regole elettorali della Pennsylvania   questi sono pericolosi DEM satanisti massoni luciferini lgbt Rockefeller Spa & o. islamic sharia Attacks on hristian Women and Girls universal Kingdom brotherhood Fedele   "Hatred Enmity Ethnic leansing and Genocide" The Persecution of hristians March 1     islamic sharia Attacks on hristian Women and Girls On March 4 scores of people were massacred or forced to flee during an Islamic terror attack in the city of Palma Mozambique near a major gas plant in the abo Delgado province. Pictured Internally displaced people from Palma gather in the Sports enter in the city of Pemba to receive humanitarian aid on April 1. ( Attacks on hristian Women and Girls gan...

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Supreme Court to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders

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