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Tweet #acs_italia==================
Bin SALMAN ] my boy [the Kingdom of Israel has been prophesied!
and God forbid that we must make all the Wahhabis disappear from this planet!
Riyad ] ragazzo mio [ il Regno di Israele è stato profettizato!
e Dio non voglia che dobbiamo far sparire tutti i wahhabiti da questo pianeta!
Satana lgbt FED IMF NWO Lilit Allah belfagor Marduch ] [ it is
not my fault: in the world there is always someone who laughs and
there is always someone who cries: "now is your time to cry"
non è colpa mia: nel mondo c'é sempre chi ride e c'é sempre chi piange: "ora è il tuo momento di piangere"
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
in the esplanade of the mosques dozens of wounded: there is the
"jihad Erdogan virus" that hits the brain: and this is what
drives Muslims all over the world crazy!
Satan Owl lilith Your twitter account has suspended
'Islamist faithful sharia genocide: for now they are treated by rubber bullets, grenades and gas'
nella Spianata delle moschee decine di feriti: c'é il "virus
jihad Erdogan" che colpisce il cervello: ed è questo che fa
impazzire i mussulmani in tutto il mondo!
Satana Owl lilith Your twitter account has suspended
'Fedeli islamici genocidio sharia: per ora sono curati da proiettili di gomma, granate e gas'
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
in this world: there is no place for hinese and Russian and hristians-Israelis peoples!
fact, the Pharisees Enlightened "lucifer eye allah" on FED jihad
FMI pyramid Rothschild have designed it in the last 4 years:
so that it can become a single slave population: laogai goyim
dalit dhimmis "kafir", disbeliever, "murtad", apostate: sentenced
to death.
with exploitation to death: banking seigniorage:
high constitutional treason and its Masonic consociativism FED
IMF EB IA N OI for its Islamic sharia genocide
Bilderberg of world wear Rothschild FED FMI BM NWO: bank seigniorage is high constitutional treason.
it is clear: Israelis will not survive all this satanism and they will be the first to succumb!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
Epstein Riyad Hillary and his Democratic Party NWO for kill shoah israeli people
regno666unitonwo blogspot com/19/8/epstein-riyad-hillary-democratic-party
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
Rothschild FED freemasons and sharia Wahhabi genocide their accomplices have built a system that they were never to be punished!
but all this? must end!
FED massoni e sharia genocidio wahhabiti loro complici hanno
costruito un sistema che loro non dovevano mai essere puniti!
ma tutto questo? deve finire!
Jeffrey Epstein dead in apparent suicide, FBI investigating
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
we saw an organized criminal system come to l i g h t, r u n by
social workers, psychologists and magistrates to s n a t c h
children from families and give them to friends for money
#BibbianoPd #forteto.
#Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #Pd ped-esterica ultranationals Masonic consociativismo lgbt satanists?
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a few seconds ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a few seconds ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 5 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
in conclusion:
Here with us, after the scandal of pedfilia in the upper echelns of
Vatican, there was the incredible one of the judiciary (whose: outside
hand is quite visible) that brought precisely in these
hours to the resignation of Riccardo Fuzio, Procuratore General of the assation.
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
ntil today everyone had gotten away with it, but now
after the arrest of Epstein and the acquisition of pedphile files, with
names and surnames in the hands of #FBI, we'll see the developments. In
the last period we have also seen excellent arrests for pedfilia
both among founders of important #ONG, and between consultants #NIEF,
like #Peter #Newell, author among other things of the «onvention of the rights of the child»
approved by the nited Nations in 1988. The man was sentenced
to 6 years and 8months for the violence inflicted on a boy for three
years in a row.
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
oooooohhhhh di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • a few seconds ago Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 5 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 7 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 8 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 8 minutes ago
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH • 9 minutes ago
Trump (and those who advise him) knows very well that the abuse of children sold and child prngraphy
touches the highest summits of the Shadow Government ...
his was a clear and profound signal: to the pedsatist rot that
permeates the K lgbt ity London and the world finance: Fed 666
Bce 3 FMI 187 BM and NWO! it is the real rot that lurks in the
crucial ganglia of our falsely democratic Masonic System of high
constitutional betrayal banking seigniorage.
1. We will see how far they are inserted in the control rooms.
. We'll see if they manage to silence everything again this time.
3. We'll see if they can kill Epstein in jail.
despite everything, either by reflex or by induction, the
scandals (judiciary, trust, etc.) are coming out in all countries,
including Italy #forteto #bibbiano.
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
Epstein Vs Trump] Epstein hated Trump! (therefore all the properties of the ARABI LEAGE must all be confiscated!).
at one point Donald
learned about his friend's squalid behavior and threw him out of
the club because he would "sexually assault an underage girl at
the club".
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #
Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the
lgbt satanists? Donald has a genetic incapacity to do politics in
the usual and "correct" way and a public image that attracts
many critics like a magnet. It is good to remember that he did
not have to win
elections, because the #Sinarchia had placed trust in Hillary linton.
But in spite of everything it is right to point out that since Trump
took possession of the White House, very many financial scandals,
s-es-sua-li, sanitary facilities have come and are coming to light, above all
those concerning children.
and this is a precise political Plan.
is why we have Trump's attacks on the "Deep State", that is to
say the so-called "shadow government", would seem to confirm.
this in mind, one can understand why on 1 December 17 the
President signed the Executive Order no. 13818 entitled: "Executive
Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human
Rights Abuse or orruption", that is, "Executive Order which
blocks the property of persons involved in serious violations of
human rights or corruption" (hence all the properties of the
ARABI LEAGE must all be confiscated!).
The Order wants to hit anyone who is guilty of violations of the
Human Rights (therefore pedfilia and trafficking in men) and corruption,
not only in the SA but also in the whole world. So it affects everyone,
foreign governments included, as well as their officials. All
is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #Pd Islamic sharia
pedo-esoteric transnational Masonic consociativism: the satanists
lgbt jihad Erdogan Riyad?
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
nius REI; I have to lead this commission of inquiry! #Linda #
ollins-Smith those of the IA killed her with several gunshots on
June 4, 19] Hillary must now enter the same cell as Epstein
nius REI; io devo guidare questa commissione di inchiesta!
#Linda # ollins-Smith those of the IA killed her with several
gunshots on June 4, 19] Hillary ora deve entrare nella stessa
cella di Epstein
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
# ollins-Smith those of the IA killed her with several
gunshots on June 4, 19] Hillary ora deve entrare nella stessa
cella di Epstein [We'll see if they can save the billionaire's
head once again or "commit suicide" (prophetic words for the IA
satanists). Which intelligence service would not consider an
Epstein treasure, with
his powerful clientele who loaded on the "Lolita Express" to have "s -e- x"
girls on his private island? The murder of the senator of the
#Arkansans she was called #Linda # ollins-Smith, who was 57 years
old, and had been #Arkansas #manager until 16.
Epstein is
the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd ped-esoterica
transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
They killed her with several pistol shots last June 4, outside her home, near Little Rock. All for no apparent reason.
The interesting thing is that the senator was investigating in person on
cases of child porngraphy in a criminal tour of Arkansas that also included child trafficking, with serious
of the social services of the State. The murder scene is
Arkansas, the state where the lintons live (Epstein's regular
customers) they built their fortunes, in ways
very questionable. And ollins was in the process of denouncing Hillary linton herself for such management.
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
3 Also for Steele, also Leslie Wexner, the billionaire
master of the bra empire, Victoria's Secrets, the one who has
given (for 1 euro) to Epstein the 4-room-style cottage
in Manhattan, he would be a very active agent of the Mossad. ()
Wexner is defined by the media as a minion (exactly like George
Soros) "philanthropist": he founded and finances the "Wexner
Foundation", which has the task of "strengthening Jewish leadership
both with scholarships to students who want a master's degree in studies
rabbinical, both to Israeli public officials to whom he pays a master's degree in
public administration at the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard niversity ... (3)
Anyway, Mossad or ia for any diverted intelligence agency,
having in your hands the unspeakable secrets of characters that matter, is
fat that drips ...
A blackmail person is a great friend and ally!
Epstein is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists?
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
[Alex Acosta, Minister of Labor]
says that Acosta would have received orders from above not
pursuing Epstein: he was indeed a pedfilo (like the prophet Mohammed who shamed his peace over him)
he was yes he was a pedfilo, but he was well protected by the
secret services because he could blackmail the powerful with
videos of them together with the children.
It is not known
what these services would be: IA or Mossad, even if the proofs
lean towards Jewish intelligence, and this not only for the
origins of #Epstein, but also for the ambiguous friendships.
is the brick that brings down the Pyramid #Pd pedo-esoterica
(esoteric agenda) transnational Masonic consociativismo: the
Rothschild satanist agents lgbt
his partner and accomplice is
"madame" Ghislaine Maxwell, the brothel keeper. She is the
daughter of the British media patron, Robert Maxwell (Mirror Group,
Pergamon Press) and computer science (Sinclair), as well as a
well-known agent ... (1)
According to Robert Steele, computer expert and former IA agent, who along with Bill Bonney
(NSA computer scientist) collaborates with Trump against the Deep
State, Epstein would be a clandestine Mossad agent, assisted by clandestine operative Ghislaine Maxwell, with the mission of
(thanks to video footage of pedophile relationships) S
politicians, magistrates, celebrities, prosecutors and heads of big
business ...
disinformation en / 19/7/14 / epstein-and-the-brick-that-does-collapses-the-pyramid /
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
Epstein suicidal? nobody would believe it !!
1. someone had the cell key:
. and the IA had ordered special surveillance to be removed from him!
3. the official declaration on the death of the billionaire who knew a lot: and who had to be silent?
4. (in the insect-infested prison)?
this is a statement that doesn't hold water!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
"Lolita Express" is the name of the Boeing 77
private of Epstein, with whom he was carrying minors for later,
harass them and rape them in his super-luxury residences, from the Islands
Virgins at Stanley's ranch in New Mexico.
the plane was not only used to transport VIPs and "cannon
fodder", because even in flight anything could happen ... and Bill
linton should tell everyone now.
Besides, is there a place in the world more secure than a transatlantic flight?
is the brick that causes the Pyramid to collapse: Lucifer Eye
rothschild "FMI IMF 666 NWO; E EB rsula: Shadow Government:
the corporation: technocratic financial
institutional Masonic politician: and usurocratic: the # pedo-esoteric
#bibbiano #forteto #lgbt system: which is transnational and
institutional Masonic consociativismo: the lgbt satanists: bank
seigniorage and high constitutional betrayal.
In the past Epstein managed to covertly negotiate only 13 months in prison (spent in privileged conditions)
despite being formalemtne accused of sexually abusing over 3 minors.
The accusation spoke clearly: first she was massaged, "then he harassed the girls and sexually abused them".
he threw 1- bucks on his bed and convinced his victims to
recruit other teenagers, to start again with a new round of
violence: horrors and abuses: all included in the Rothschilds'
esoteric agenda!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
crime of satanism of these proportions? can only be punished:
with the death penalty for all IA directors and managers of the
last years!
Epstein had direct contact with the "creme della
creme" which is the real foam of the sewerage of this planet,
with pieces like ninety:
former president Bill linton
(according to recordings of flight plans obtained by Fox News in
16, linton would have traveled at least 6 times on the
infamous jet),
[from an agenda page of #Epstein]
Tony Blair,
Prince Andrew of the nited Kingdom (Duke of York),
Kevin Spacey,
Alec Baldwin,
Dustin Hoffman,
Naomi ampbell,
Bernie Ecclestone,
Rupert Murdoch,
Peter Soros (grandson of George Soros),
Woody Allen,
Henry Kissinger,
Edouard de Rothschild
Evelyn de Rothschild ,.
and many others, we are talking about hundreds of important names.
is the brick that brings down the Pyramid # Pd pedo-esoterica
transnational Masonic consociativism: the lgbt satanists of the FMI
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
the Epstein murder that the IA has carried out: now the rich
men who took part in its rubbish: they feel calm, but, it is not
so: because here I am and I will remain there so that all of them
will go down to hell before their time!
rich masons
rothschild reigning, etc .. could be hooked by some trained
little girl, or, easier, they were the ones to choose the prey or
the preys ...
The "Epstein System" worked perfectly because it was protected and supervised by the IA secret services.
subscriptions to his fund would have given guarantees: being in a
#paradiso #fiscale he was not obliged to provide the list of
guaranteeing total security, and then a fund managed in a tax haven justified the huge commissions required.
It was a seemingly perfect system.
but, now Epstein is in
prison, and according to rumors he seems to want to empty the bag
listing the names of the people involved in the shady underage
prostitution ring. All to have a reduction of the sentence, not
exceeding 5 years.
but the priests of Satan who protect Obama and linton Hillary have already closed his mouth: definitely
disinformation en / 19/7/14 / epstein-and-the-brick-that-does-collapses-the-pyramid /
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
ask for the confiscation of all bank deposits: and all the real
estate, against all those who contributed to this fund: "Il
Sistema-Epstein" and who then went to take their girl child!
Epstein was known not for his background, but for the very special party he organized, of the "bunga-bunga" type.
Participation at parties was very expensive, and indeed to return
in the list of guests there were to be subscribed quotas, to several
zeri, of its offshore fund in the Virgin Islands.
money was widely repaid, because at the festivities, besides
champagne, there were rich and precious cotillons: boys and girls of
your choice!
/disinformazione it/19/7/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
stop giving cover to all these satanists!
demand at President #Donald #TRMP: different working groups: a
full broad crossover and even parliamentary inquiry: why this
worldwide corruption scum ends!
According to a survey by the "Miami Herald", based on
stories of the alleged victims traced over the years, at least 8 women
they said they were harassed by Epstein from 1 to 6.
Almost all were poor girls who came from disadvantaged families and
problems or who lived in an orphanage; the billionaire monster
knew how to exploit their weakness and their need for money.
Some young women were traumatized by the suicide of parents or
friends, others
they had mothers beaten by fathers and companions, or fathers who harassed and beat them.
In all, the FBI gathered the stories of 36 girls who had been
harassed but over the years new testimonies emerged that suggest
that the underage girls and boys were a thousand
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
#Epstein is the Masonic globalization of consociativism trasnational masonic democratic party, Soros Bilderberg
is the brick that will bring down the Pyramid: FED "lucifer eye"
#Pd pedo-esoterica transnational Masonic consociativismo: the
lgbt & satanists all NWO agent?
The billionaire would have sexually exploited hundreds
of underage girls, abusing them in their homes
in Manhattan and Palm Beach in Florida
therefore it offered a service to all the shareholders of the entral Banks and their accomplices politicians!
/disinformazione it/19/7/14/epstein-e-il-mattone-che-fa-crollare-la-piramide/
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
do not know if, I have expelled all the Satanists:
187AudioHostem IA cannibals from youtube, if, that is, this: it
was something positive, given that now it is filled with lgbt
sodomitics: who have control of youtube: and now I do not know
how to do :
because, the lgbt being aware of their moral and
cultural ethical inferiority: they dare not oppose you with a
method of intellectual honesty, but they stab you in the back:
only !!
non so se avere espulso tutti i satanisti:
187AudioHostem IA cannibali da youtube, se, cioè questo: sia stato
qualcosa di positivo, dato che ora si è riempito di sodomitici
lgbt: che hanno il controllo di youtube: ed ora io non so come
perché, gli lgbt essendo consapevoli della loro
inferiorità etica morale e culturale: loro non osano contrastarti
con un metodo di onestà intellettuale, ma ti pugnalano alle
spalle: soltanto!!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
first passed by the Bohemian Grove (cremation of cure) from
their Owl Rothschild God and their Lucifer Eye Rochefeller on
piramyd masonic Golpe FED 666 IMF OI sharia.
and then they all went to do dirty things with the kids!
I ask for the death penalty for all of them!
#Epstein commits suicide in prison.
everyone who is approached by LINTON sooner or later dies dramatically!
Your account twitter is suspended
Obama, twitter, socialNetwok, satelliteTV, Ansa lgbt and the Democratic Party are all under the protection of Satan's Priest
prima passavano dal Bohemian Grove dal loro Gufo Rothschild Dio e occhio di lucifero Rochefeller
e dopo andavano tutti a fare le cose sporche con i bambini!
io chiedo la pena di morte per tutti loro!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
now let's put all his friends pinging rothschild in jail!
Epstein commits suicide in prison with IA support!
financier had been overwhelmed by a s e x scandal and accused of
abuse, exploitation of female prostitution and child trafficking
Apostasia: il Marocco rinnega la fatwa sulla pena capitale e permette ...
feb 17 - L'Apostasia non è punibile: il Marocco rinnega la
fatwa sulla pena .... Il ma'rifat As-Sunan wal Athar, Kitab
Al-murtad ci riporta un episodio ...
Perché nell'Islam l'apostata viene giustiziato? iò non è contro la ...
punizione dell'apostata non è applicata a colui che abbandona la
propria religione ma ... Mengapa dalam agama Islam, orang murtad
harus dihukum mati?
I musulmani "moderati" in Italia che mi condannano a morte perché ...
ago 16 - ... in Italia che mi condannano a morte perché
apostata e cane infedele ... e di condanna a morte come “kafir”,
miscredente, “murtad”, apostata, ...
Apostasia - Apostasy - qwerty.wiki
che si impegna apostasia è conosciuto come un apostata . ..... e
una persona che si è convertito all'Islam e poi rifiuta la
religione è chiamata a murtad milli .
Offese e minacce dai musulmani "moderati" - IlGiornale.it
ago 16 - ... disprezzo e di condanna a morte come «kafir»,
miscredente, «murtad», apostata, «cane», che i musulmani considerano
un animale impuro.
ategory:Apostasy - Wikimedia ommons
lug 18 - apostasia Nascondi ... adil rais-conquest of
Arabia.PNG 1 58 × 1 95; 116 KB. Omne Bonum Royal6EVI115
Apostata.jpg 9 × 876; 94 KB.
Hadith Italiano - Arabo: apostasia
ago 14 - Fonte: ma'rifat As-Sunan wal Athar, Kitab Al-murtad
... "O capo dei credenti, alcune persone hanno commesso apostasia
dall'Islam e si sono ...
DA MSLMANI A ATTOLII storie di convertiti - - Missioni onsolata
www.rivistamissioniconsolata.it › Articolo1
ott - qualsiasi altro, è considerato un traditore, apostata
e dunque passibile .... poi cambia idea è definito murtad milli
(apostata dalla comunità). Il
MRTAD - Significato e sinonimi di murtad nel dizionario malese
intende lasciare una religione. Gli apostati possono rivolgersi a
un'altra religione o scegliere di rimanere senza religione. i
sono anche degli ...
Posting Date
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The Model, Episode 4=============
perché la teoria della evoluzione è un dogma religioso: una
credenza scientista: un atto massonico di satanismo islamico
comunista.. io lo giuro: "arriverà l'ora della mia ira!"
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN tu
vedi la infinita e impossibile perfezione di una cellula, poi,
guardi la complessità dell'universo e dici: "si è formato da
solo". in realtà la REAZIONE e sua PROGETTAZIONE è l'unica
ipotesi razionalmente possibile!
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN infatti
razionalmente è impossibile NON comprende Dio e le sue
richieste! la vostra apostasia nasce da un atto di ammutinamento
vile!! Ma l'inferno è il luogo in cui si avvia il 6% di tutto il
genere umano!
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN diciamo
che (come ogni peccatore) tu sei terrorizzato dal giudizio
INESORABILE di Dio contro di te ed ora ti accontenti di vivere come un
ABSIVO: incosciente, fraudolento, ipocrita e mentitore! ecco
perché, tutti quelli che non credono nell'inferno? ci andranno!
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN tu
trovi un oggetto: e sai che una industria lo ha prodotto, poi,
vedi un uomo che è più complesso dell'universo e non deduci nulla?
non riesci a realizzare la cellula di un filo d'erba, che la
natura avrebbe fatto per caso? la tua scienza è vicina alla
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN Suora spiega perché non ci sono cristiani sui barconi: ‘Sono senza soldi per imbarcarsi’
nei primi otto mesi dall’invasione dello Stato islamico, abbiamo
perso dodici consorelle. Il loro cuore non è riuscito a
sopportare tanta sofferenza”.
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN comunque:
sia nella Legge Naturale (non fare il male, non mentire, non
uccidere, ecc..) e tutto è per amore (legge universale)! in essi è
già contenuta la Torà e il decalogo anche per l'agnostico e ateo:
sin dal primo momento creativo! infatti, è così!
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN neanche
la Legge del Regno di Dio ammette l'ignoranza! infatti sei stato
creato con la scopo di conoscerla: mentre l'amore è
automaticamente la perfezione della legge: che ti porta al dono
totale di te: come ha fatto il risto!
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN tutti i filtri e algoritmi di NWO si accaniscono contro di me! @Twitter @YouTube @facebook @googleitalia
#google #lgbt? sono un altro criminale rothschild Your ticket number:
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN twitter lgbt è un altro criminale rothschild Your ticket number: # 11493198
#TwitterNatureommunity#Twitter#TwitterAstrologicWorld#twitterupdate @Twitter si ostina a non volermi cancellare un canale che è furto di identità!
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN -- Your ticket number: # 11493198
@Twitter si ostina a non volermi cancellare un canale che è
stato fatto a mio nome come furto di identità! -- Your ticket
number: # 11493198
lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN #twitter #twitter
quindi la impersonificazione: furto di identità non è un caso
grave? Grazie per la segnalazione. Tuttavia, ci sembra che tu stia
tentando di segnalare un problema di impersonificazione o di
molestie, non un problema relativo a un copyright. Invia una nuova
segnalazione utilizzando il modulo appropriato:
Albert Reingewirtz •
7 Attempt at lynching and the policeman fired in the air? why not at the proper target, the lynchers?
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Albert Reingewirtz •
4 if we thought about killing all Muslims?
although it is obvious to all: "it is the sharia that threatens the human race and not vice versa"
then, however, in the spiral of hatred: we would be forced to approach Erdogan's hatred and madness too dangerously!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Albert Reingewirtz •
5 to think that Netanjahu could be a coward?
this is extremely simplistic!
with our meekness and patience: self-defeating.
try to make us fall in love with us: Saudi and Jordanian
Egyptians: etc .. because God wants to realize a Kingdom of Israel
in the whole Middle East!
Don Spilman •
7 • edited
can never be peace as long as there are any muzslime anywhere
near actual human beings. Muzslime are driven insane by their vile
Koran and ignorant blind obedience to all lala! Get the muzslime
filth out of all Israel and all western nations! There is no
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Don Spilman •
4 what you say has been dramatically demonstrated the 14 years of Islamic genocide:
God is greater than history: this is why: I am the universal
brotherhood: in fact, for those who believe in God JHWH there is no
word: "impossible"
Matthew Lathum •
8 Welcome to Netanyahu Israel ! what a shame and Israeli stupidness, seperation is only solution.
Israeli-arabs ! what is it? idiotism !
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Matthew Lathum •
4 obtaining a safe homeland for us is our real goal?
it does not! God wants: all Jews must return: therefore we are
forced to wait for a moment of grace: a rain of grace and mercy:
in / on Egyptians Jordanians and Saudis peoples, etc .. to be
well received by them!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
4 peace with Islam? yes, I believe it!
know that it is not human to think this for me as an observatory
on the martyrdom of hristians (for 3 years): and that they
still suffer from the genocide of Sharia:
but, I believe that God is greater than our wounded heart!
Melo Gardener di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
minutes ago Read
Ezekiel 38 and 39 .... God knows that the day comes when His
mercy and grace will no longer be spit upon by the muslims and
leftist that support the violence, hatred and murder against the
Jews and hristians of the world...it is very clear what is coming
because there is no mercy in Islam...only hatred of the Living
God and His people! That is why they will be wiped out!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Melo Gardener •
4 minutes ago and
then, I had another vision: under a big tent in the desert we
were like brothers of one and big family: in reality there is no
sincere and pure love as can be the love of a Muslim: when he
decides that : he must give love!
e poi, io ho avuto un
altra visione: sotto una grande tenda nel deserto noi eravamo come
fratelli du una sola e grande famiglia: in realtà non esiste un
amore sincero e puro come può essere l'amore di un mussulmano:
quando lui decide che: lui deve amare!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH Melo Gardener •
I had a vision 1 years ago: about.
Saudi King welcomed me as the King of Israel must be received,
and while I was passing from one room to another all the Saudi
princes were all left and right: they honored me.
Now it is not
possible for any creature to be able to win in gratitude: for
love universal nius REI, and to be able to remain indebted to its
when the mercy of God will come: all people e people in all the human race: everyone will be touched by the sanctifying grace!
my jhwh my jhwh Select 666 ountry: holy my jhwh
i am nius REI in kingdom Israel of Palestine
http://uniusreixkingdom.blogspot.comhttp://rivoluzione-culturale.blogspot.it/http://pensiero-e-azione.blogspot.it/http://jesus-christ-bethlehem.blogspot.com/http://satan-is-faggot.blogspot.it/http://yesuniversalbrotherhood.blogspot.it/http://cannibalixsangue-cristiano.blogspot.it/http://lorenzoallah.blogspot.it/http://allgiacintoauriti.blogspot.it/http://wakeupusaxronpaul.blogspot.it/http://drinkypoisonjhwhwins.blogspot.it/http://morte-prematura.blogspot.it/http://hellxdespairxdestruction.blogspot.it/http://uniusreiorwarw666imf.blogspot.it/http://www.webalice.it/looooo/http://web.tiscali.it/martiri/http://metafisica.altervista.orghttp://fedele.altervista.orgmy jhwh Select 666 BOIA ountry:
https://www.youtube.com/user/noahNephillim/discussionall islamic satanic and criminal cuntry
AfghanistanAlgeriaArgentinaAzerbaijanBahrainBangladeshBelarusBhutanBoliviaBruneiBurkina Fasoameroonentral African RepublichadhinaolombiaomorosubaDemocratic Republic of the ongoDjiboutiEgyptEritreaEthiopiaGuineaHondurasIndiaIndonesiaInternationalIranIraqIsraelIvory oastJordanKazakhstanKenyaKuwaitKyrgyzstanLaosLebanonLibyaMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMauritaniaMexicoMoldovaMoroccoMyanmarNepalNigerNigeriaNorth KoreaOmanPakistanPalestinian TerritoriesPeruPhilippinesQatarRussiaRwandaSaudi ArabiaSenegalSomaliaSouth KoreaSouth SudanSri LankaSudanSyriaTajikistanTanzaniaThe GambiaTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistangandakrainenited Arab EmirateszbekistanVietnamYemen=============
non è facile giudicare un Papahttps://www.worldwatchmonitor.org/==============it is not easy to judge a Pope
because even if he is a despicable catto-communist
he can always say that he did it because he was blackmailed:
from extermination against hristian martyrs from: OI jihad
Wahhabis sharia Erdogan and Rothschild 666 FED Bilderberg rsula
Von Hitler
non è facile giudicare un Papa
perché anche se lui è un catto-comunista spregevole
lui può sempre dire che lo ha fatto perché era ricattato: di
sterminio contro i martiri cristiani da: OI Wahhabiti Erdogan e
Rothschild Bilderberg rsula Von Hitler
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
illegal immigrants are not shipwrecked refugees or migrants:
they are parasites of Islamic invasion Sharia Erdogan jihad: and Nigerian mafia
they are part of the rich African bourgeoisie who has the tools
to escape (11, euros) and who intentionally come as parasites
to live at our expense: in our hotels, to rob us of rape us and
destroy our dying society: for rothschild bilderberg usury!
martial laws must be used against them!
clandestini non sono naufraghi profughi o migranti:
sono dei parassiti di invasione islamica sharia Erdogan jihad: e mafia nigeriana
sono parte della ricca borghesia africana che ha gli strumenti
per fuggire(11 euro) e che vengono intenzionalmente come
parassiti a vivere a nostre spese: nei nostri alberghi, per
derubare stuprare e distruggere la nostra società morente: per
usura rothschild bilderberg!
contro di loro si devono usare le leggi marziali!
https://worldisraelnews.com/house-democrats-in-israel-say-squad-doesnt-speak-for-party/Matthew Lathum •
Israel allowed to enter every human degenerated, because is themself degenerated !
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
Salvini answer Renzi "il mostro di Firenze"
Salvini said: "I answer to Renzi" ("the poltronaro Monster of Florence")
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
Riyad iran Oi this your world of: SpA FED IMF and sharia? it won't last! ] [there are no stupid creatures!
Russia hina and India: depend on my protection!
the Jewish-hristian civilization will NOT collapse!
the ARAB League will find itself in a dead end: and when will your wickedness understand it?
then it will be too late!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
the land of the BANANAS M5S & Pd
Immigrant rapes daughters of 1 year old neighbors: "If you say so I'll kill you" August 11, 19
Reported in Libya and Tunisia 111 illegal immigrants headed for NGOs August 11, 19
atania, red thugs assault car Salvini - VIDEO August 11, 19
5 asylum seekers rape a 13-year-old girl August 11, 19
He lives near the reception center: raped in his garden August 11, 19
Girl trusts immigrant and he rapes her: "She wanted it" August 11, 19
Mayor League beaten to blood by the Roma: they smash his face - VIDEO August 11, 19
Bibbiano Effect: Rom magistrate approves single adoption of Africans
- Sindaco di Forza Italia alla Festa dello Sgozzamento coi musulmani: “Sono commosso” Agosto 11, 19
- Immigrato stupra figlie dei vicini di 1 anni: “Se lo dite vi ammazzo” Agosto 11, 19
- Riportati in Libia e Tunisia 111 clandestini diretti verso Ong Agosto 11, 19
- atania, teppisti rossi assaltano auto Salvini – VIDEO Agosto 11, 19
- 5 richiedenti asilo stuprano ragazzina di 13 anni Agosto 11, 19
- Abita vicino a centro accoglienza: stuprata nel giardino di casa sua Agosto 11, 19
- Ragazzina si fida di immigrato e lui la stupra: “L’ha voluto lei” Agosto 11, 19
- Sindaco Lega pestato a sangue dai Rom: gli spaccano la faccia – VIDEO Agosto 11, 19
- Effetto Bibbiano: magistrato Rom approva adozione single di africani Agosto 11, 19
- Gli sbarchi ci sono costati 4 punti di Quoziente Intellettivo: l’Italia è meno intelligente Agosto 1, 19
- Siracusa, teppisti rossi tentano di impedire comizio – VIDEO Agosto 11, 19
- entinaia di animali in fila per essere sgozzati da islamici: “Scene horror e sangue ovunque” Agosto 11, 19
- Pensionata siciliana porta fiori e ferro di cavallo a Salvini: “grazie per avere chiuso i porti” Agosto 11, 19
- Il pescatore che ha respinto Gere e i trafficanti di Open Arms: “Non collaboro con voi” Agosto 11, 19
- Sindaco di Forza Italia alla Festa dello Sgozzamento coi musulmani: “Sono commosso” Agosto 11, 19
- Immigrato stupra figlie dei vicini di 1 anni: “Se lo dite vi ammazzo” Agosto 11, 19
- Riportati in Libia e Tunisia 111 clandestini diretti verso Ong Agosto 11, 19
- atania, teppisti rossi assaltano auto Salvini – VIDEO Agosto 11, 19
- 5 richiedenti asilo stuprano ragazzina di 13 anni Agosto 11, 19
- Abita vicino a centro accoglienza: stuprata nel giardino di casa sua Agosto 11, 19
- Ragazzina si fida di immigrato e lui la stupra: “L’ha voluto lei” Agosto 11, 19
- Sindaco Lega pestato a sangue dai Rom: gli spaccano la faccia – VIDEO Agosto 11, 19
- Effetto Bibbiano: magistrato Rom approva adozione single di africani Agosto 11, 19
- All’11esimo giorno Open Arms scarica 9 clandestini infetti a Lampedusa Agosto 11, 19
- Salvini a ong e al ‘fenomeno’ Gere: “Non siamo il campo profughi d’Europa” Agosto 11, 19
- Brescia, guerriglia islamica al parco: 5 pakistani armati di spranghe scatenano il caos Agosto 11, 19
- Assalto islamico alla Sardegna: sbarcano 67 algerini in 48 ore Agosto 11, 19
- Ong francese carica altri 81 clandestini: oltre 4 pronti a sbarcare in Italia se non si vota Agosto 11, 19
- ‘Profughi’ sul bus senza biglietto: “Non sapevamo dovessimo pagare anche noi” Agosto 11, 19
- Salvini: italiani hanno diritto di scegliersi il governo Agosto 11, 19
- arola svela il piano tedesco per inondare l’Italia di clandestini: e Merkel manda un’altra nave Agosto 11, 19
- Il ‘mostro di Firenze’ vuole l’ammucchiata horror: “Da Boldrini a Grillo” Agosto 11, 19
- L’ennesima pantomima di Open Arms: “Resistiamo”, aspettano Fico? Agosto 11, 19
- Di Maio disse: “Mai al Governo col partito di Bibbiano che ruba i bambini” – VIDEO Agosto 11, 19
- Minacce a Salvini dai twittaroli di Renzi Agosto 11, 19
- Richard Gere non gradisce domande, scafista Open Arms spintona giornalista – VIDEO Agosto 11, 19
- Nigeriani spacciano, Polizia li arresta e toga rossa li scarcera: ‘obbligo di firma’ Agosto 11, 19
- Oggi inizia la festa musulmana dello Sgozzamento: è già mattanza in tutta Italia Agosto 11, 19
- Mafia nigeriana ringrazia ONG: 8% ‘profughe’ sono prostitute nigeriane
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
11 minutes ago • edited
Salvini answer Renzi "il mostro di Firenze"
Salvini said: "I answer to Renzi" ("the poltronaro Monster of Florence")
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
4 minutes ago Riyad iran Oi this your world of: SpA FED IMF and sharia? it won't last! ] [there are no stupid creatures!
Russia hina and India: depend on my protection!
the Jewish-hristian civilization will NOT collapse!
the ARAB League will find itself in a dead end: and when will your wickedness understand it?
then it will be too late!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
the land of the BANANAS M5S & Pd
Immigrant rapes daughters of 1 year old neighbors: "If you say so I'll kill you" August 11, 19
Reported in Libya and Tunisia 111 illegal immigrants headed for NGOs August 11, 19
atania, red thugs assault car Salvini - VIDEO August 11, 19
5 asylum seekers rape a 13-year-old girl August 11, 19
He lives near the reception center: raped in his garden August 11, 19
Girl trusts immigrant and he rapes her: "She wanted it" August 11, 19
Mayor League beaten to blood by the Roma: they smash his face - VIDEO August 11, 19
Bibbiano Effect: Rom magistrate approves single adoption of Africans
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
not shaving, women regain possession of their bodies" voxnews
New inevitable HuffPost service:
It is NOT a statistical loss: since we began to shave feminine men:
women without males will do lesbians! the killer boss pimp wife:
learns to crawl under the sole of her shoes !! "By not shaving,
women regain possession of their bodies"
la moglie
magnaccia: impara a strisciare sotto la suola delle sue scarpe!!
“Non depilandosi le donne si riappropriano del proprio corpo”
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
catto-communisti trogloditi: 75th Martyrs piazzale Loreto,
Deputy Mayor Milan: "we need to tell ourselves anti-fascists":
and look for the fascists in the #FdI and #Lega party? grotesque!
the other hand they make the return of #fascism indispensable
because they: betray the constitution by giving scam #bank
banking 666 seigniorage to rothschild!
catto-comunisti trogloditi: a 75mo Martiri piazzale Loreto,
Vicesindaco Milano: "abbiamo bisogno di dirci antifascisti": e
cercano i fascisti nel partito di FdI e Lega? grottesco!
compenso loro rendono indispensabile il ritorno del fascismo
perchéé: tradiscono la costituzine regalando il signoraggio
bancario a rothschild!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
an hour ago land
of BANANA moon the donkey masons consociativismo #Soros Pd
(democratic party) #italia #e #Anticrito rsula Von Hitler
Rothschild? it's no man's land! they face private Islamic armies!
BRESIA, 11 AGST - Maxi brawl between rival gangs yesterday
in a public park in the Badia district of Brescia. the
protagonist is fifty year olds and 3 year olds of Pakistani
origins. The comparison had been scheduled for days. Five people
are arrested while the others are
escaped when the police arrived. Among the wounded, the most serious is a young man shot in the arm with a crafted halberd.
from fighting techniques: they must have been enrolled by the Nigerian mafia, for drug dealing, theft, lace and prostitution
di asini massoni consociativismo soros Pd (partito democratico)
#italia #e #Anticrito rsula Von Hitler Rothschild? è terra di
nessuno! si affrontano eserciti islamici privati! BRESIA, 11 AGO -
Maxi rissa tra bande rivali ieri
sera in un parco pubblico
del quartiere Badia a Brescia. protagonista una cinquantina di
enni e 3enni di origini: pakistane. Il confronto era stato
programmato da giorni. inque le persone arrestate mentre le
altre sono
scappate al momento dell'arrivo delle forze
dell'ordine. Tra i feriti il più grave è un giovane colpito ad un
braccio con un'alabarda artigianale.
dalle tecniche di
combattimento: devono essere stati arruolati dalla mafia
nigeriana, per spaccio droga, furti, pizzo e prostituzione
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
Sexual violence on girls close to home, arrested - Lombardy
ansa it / lombardy / news / 19/8/1 / violence-sexual-on-bimbe-arrested_65da88-edfc-4e83-bf69-43837d3c
BT antifa ANSA (democratic party media network satellite TV) DOES NOT SAY THAT IT IS AN IMMIGRANT
ream horror. A 9-year-old ethnic immigrant worker is in the cell
Indiana. It was nailed by the footage taken during one of the
violence consumed in the garage. Yesterday total embargo on the ethnicity of the
Don Spilman •
What mystery? There is no mystery it was totally expected, if I
had found a bookie I would have made bank on how soon they would
murder the slime ball! Kan anyone say klintons?????
HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! A person would have lived longer being around
Hitler, moosaleni and old stalin combined than being a “friend” of
the Klintons!!!
di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH •
9 Too many violent and premature deaths have happened to too many people who have approached LINTON's private life closely:
because they are under protection of the hurches of Satan IA 666 NSA FED FMi 187 NWO
troppe morti violente e premature sono accadute a troppe le persone che hanno avvicinato da vicino la vita privata dei LINTON:
perché loro sono sotto protezione delle hiese di Satana IA 666 NSA FED FMi 187 NWO
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donkey calm down