🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
14 pvotes
https://www.youtube.com/user/noahNephillim/discussion Discussion on
World Israel News 1 comments Why are generals refusing to lead HQ for Judea, Samaria sovereignty?
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 39 minutes ago Hindu demons? they are all deaf and dumb
Hitler's swastika was born there
there was born the swastika of Rothschild, which is the star on the Israeli flag
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 41 minutes ago "India should not underestimate hinese will to safeguard territorial integrity" - Foreign Beijing
The hinese Foreign Minister warned India, saying that New Delhi should not underestimate Beijing's "firm will" to safeguard its national borders.
this bad story brings me great sadness!
to fight not to agree on a border, on a compensatory basis?
it is a serious lack of intelligence!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 43 minutes ago Born, the Italian F-35 fighters deployed to protect the airspace in Iceland
THIS E of celebrolesi dangers?
it must be destroyed as soon as possible!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 an hour ago Afghanistan, 1 students killed by a bomb in a religious school
The explosion occurred in the early hours of the morning causing ten victims and eight injured among the students of the madrassa, the Islamic school. ANSWER
ISLAM is a religion of peace!
Islam is the light that squarxia the darkness!
Muhammad? the perfection of all the prophets!
What if ERDOGAN said it? you can swear to us that it is so
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 an hour ago Why are generals refusing to lead sovereignty push?
because in the era of Satan
there is no longer anyone to compromise with / for God JHWH
these are my times: the times of the prophet Elijah
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World Israel News 1 comments ‘Ninja Bomb’ shreds al-Qaeda terrorists
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 stop lizard BIDEN ISIS ] [vote for MAGA patriot Trump
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World Israel News 4 comments DAILY REAP: Generals Afraid To Lead Sovereignty Push; Netanyahu Halts Economy’s Return; More Top News
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 certamente le basi siriane ed irachene devono essere fortificate, almeno finché l'iran continua a rimanere nella zona! ISIS Terrorists annot Be Allowed to Reclaim Iraq
by on oughlin • June 18,
Iraqi security officials say the number of ISIS fighters in Iraq is now between ,-3,, which includes around 5 militants who have made their way to Iraq after escaping from prisons in Syria.
The upsurge in ISIS in activity in Iraq should certainly act as a wake-up call for the Trump administration as it reviews America's military commitment to Iraq following the recent appointment of former Iraqi intelligence chief Mustafa al-Kadhimi as the country's new pro-Western prime minister.
The reason Iraq is able to have elections in the first place is because of the enormous sacrifices made by American and other coalition forces to rebuild the country after the overthrow of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in 3, an achievement that the Trump administration cannot allow to be damaged by a resurgent ISIS.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 without obtaining a first-level popular and municipal court:
now in Southern Italy (thanks to Merkel the value of the buildings has fallen to 5%) and the proletarian expropriation of houses has passed
as well as the impossibility of being able to rent them!
senza ottenere un tribunale popolare e comunale di primo livello:
ormai al Sud Italia (grazie alla Merkel il valore degli immobili è crollato al 5%) e si è passati all'esproprio proletario delle case
come anche alla impossibilità di poterle affittare!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 4 onte, we take full advantage of E funds opportunities "blah blah blah ...
all pots of rothschild lgbtq PD and M5S; Bilderberg, France and Germany: England,
they clung to the armchair and suck the blood of the Italian people!
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World Israel News 1 comments 'Wacko' Bolton 'exceedingly tedious,' tweets Trump as damning book details emerge
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 5 eih Trump, about Bolton?
he didn't seem like a bad guy
he just wanted to kill IRAN
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World Israel News 4 comments Netanyahu slams brakes on opening economy
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 5 yes Netanjahu is the Yogi bear
and ganzo gonzo is the bubu bear
Bubu is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon character, best friend of the Yogi bear and inseparable companion of many adventures
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 5 il codardo Netanyahu ha twittato e
ha detto: "io stamperò del denaro, in regime di sovranità monetaria
[www simec org]
Proprietà popolare della moneta, continuazione della lotta iniziata dal professore Giacinto Auriti, con l'intervento esecutivo di JFK 1111
per salvare il popolo, e anche perché il popop è sovrano non Rothschild e anche
perché, sarà un onore per me farmi sparare da Morgan il Padrone degli schiavi goyims senza genealogie paterne
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World Israel News 1 comments Bay of pigs: Haifa overrun by wild boars
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 lorenzoJHWH_Messia 5 well said
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World Israel News 41 comments 'It's the intifada in France': Muslim gangs clash in streets of Dijon
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Norm 1 when you hit a hristian, a Jew will bleed and vice versa.
Hitler was not wrong to see the enemies of all peoples in the Jews,
he only made a mistake in the method!
who created: 1. the Deep State, SpA FED IMF EB BM NWO IA, occult power, esoteric agenda? . Bilderberg regime? 3. relativism, indecency, perversions, lgbtq, neoliberalism, bureaucracy, anarchy, technocracy? Democratic party? massonic system worldwide?
high constitutional betrayal scam banking seigniorage?
the democratic party?
the satanism of your talmud did it!
the talmud said: "the best of all christians: lorenzoJHWH nius REi? you must kill him!"
and that's what "Beni Berith" Mogan Rockefeller etc .. did!
because the Talmud seeks the holocaust and shoah of all Jews also: continuously.
the Supreme Sanhedrin are the perfect Satanists
and try to destroy the seed of Abraham!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Norm 1 quando colpisci un cristiano, un ebreo sanguinerà e viceversa.
Hitler non ha sbagliato a vedere negli ebrei, i nemici di tutti i popoli,
lui ha sbagliato soltanto nel metodo!
chi ha creato: 1. il Deep State? . regime Bilderberg? 3. relativismo, indecenza, perversioni, lgbtq, neoliberalism, burocrazia, anarchia, tecnocracy? partito democratico? massonic system worldwide?
alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario?
il partito democratico?
il satanismo del tuo talmud lo ha fatto!
il talmud ha detto: "il migliore di tutti i cristiani: lorenzoJHWH nius REi? tu lo devi uccidere!"
ed è quello che “Beni Berith” Mogan Rockefeller etc.. hanno fatto!
perché il Talmud cerca l'olocausto e la shoah di tutti gli ebrei anche: continuamente.
il Sommo sinedrio sono i satanisti perfetti
e cercano di distruggere il seme di Abramo!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Lorne when you are dead
you will have to go to my court: anyway
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 agnes losonczi so I'm a fanatic
why for you: is it right that european girls should be killed and raped by afro-islamists, or what?
I saw a report: on the fact that some young German women protected themselves with special anti-rape underpants
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World Israel News 5 comments Israel supercharges F-35 fighter jets
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 13 BIN SALMAN INA RSSIA INDIA E SA ON ] [ in relation to Rothschild? Jews are far more dangerous than Muslims for the survival of mankind ...
but, I free the prisoners of the devil: Allah and Satan, and I break every curse:
therefore, I work like this: "who will not want to enter my Kingdom of ISRAEL? I will kill him!"
... and then you will all understand, what it means to be NIS REI
the universal ruler of the Kingdom of God!
that's why, it was written, in the Bible in reference to the Jews: "their covenant with death will be broken"
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 15 India-hina tensions, Premier Modi orders the army to stockpile ammunition India-hina tensions, Premier Modi orders the army to stockpile ammunition: tension is sky high between India and hina, following brutal clashes in the Galwan Valley, during which Indian soldiers died
all this is not smart, if you can choose an arbitration that defines, the borders definitively
Tensioni India-ina, premier Modi ordina all'esercito di fare scorte di munizioni Tensioni India-ina, premier Modi ordina all'esercito di fare scorte di munizioni:
tensione è alle stelle tra l'India e la ina, in seguito a dei brutali scontri avvenuti nella Valle di Galwan, nel corso dei quali hanno perso la vita soldati indiani
tutto questo non è intelligente
se si può scegliere un arbitrato che definisca, i confini in modo definitivo
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World Israel News 15 comments Second coronavirus wave: Government can’t stop it
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 the IA said in 4 that it would do so in , to hit HINA
oronavirus, explained how it manages to pass the immune system oronavirus, explained how it manages to pass the immune system: https://it sputniknews com/scienza-e-tech/649161351-coronavirus-explained-how-to-pass -alle-defenses-immune /
In very simple words, the virus is made in such a way that when it comes into contact with the human organism it already knows the password for letting it pass and settles in the respiratory system where it finds the ideal conditions to proliferate by altering its functioning and causing OVID-19 disease until the immune system is finally unable to take action. In some cases, as we unfortunately know, the immune system is unable to take over and the disease can have a malignant course.
Australian scientists also came to a very similar conclusion in a study reported by the British newspaper Daily Mail last week. By studying the resistance of living organisms to infections, Nikolai Petrovsky, a professor at Flinders niversity and first author of the study, had noticed how SARS-oV- would be able to bind extraordinarily well to the cells of our organism despite being man a host for these new.
"This is a new virus that has never been in the human body before, yet has an extremely high level of binding to our receptors," observed Petrovsky.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 the IA said in 4 that it would do so in
to hit HINA
Australian scientists identify a 'strange' feature of the coronavirus Australian scientists identify a 'strange' feature of the coronavirus: https://it sputniknews com/scienza-e-tech/58919649-Australian-scientist- identify- a- strange- feature -of-coronavirus /
Australian scientists claim to have defined a very particular feature of the SARS-oV- virus that would distinguish it from other viruses.
According to a study reported by the British newspaper Daily Mail, Australian scientists, studying the resistance of living organisms to infections, would have noticed how the SARS-oV- virus that causes the known disease OVID-19, would be able to bind extraordinarily well to the cells of the our organism despite being man a guest for these new.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 hina does not have this genetic technology
and above all he did not need to commit suicide
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 hina does not have this genetic technology
and above all he did not need to commit suicide
la ina non possiede questa tecnologia genetica
e soprattutto non aveva la necessità di suicidarsi
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 the virus binds perfectly to human receptors, so it was done by the IA in the laboratory
therefore it does not come from the animal transition
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 14 the virus binds perfectly to human receptors
so it was done by the IA in the laboratory
therefore it does not come from the animal transition
il virus si lega perfettamente ai recettori dell'uomo
quindi è stato fatto dalla IA in laboratorio
quindi non viene dalla transizione animale
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 iA said in 4 that
here you can see the evidence
https://matrixedizioni it/nel--solo-una-pandemia-in-cina-potra-fermarli-lagghiacciante-previsione-dell-intelligence-usa/
Listen to it on video Now that the new investigation by Francesco Amodeo "31 coincidences on the coronavirus" has gone to press, we can finally share with readers the most important official document reported there. It is a report
May 15,
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World Israel News 6 comments WATH: Suicidal dad drives twin toddlers off cliff at 7 mph
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 David only a satanist like you can undermine the survival of all mankind ..
after all insult without motivation
will bring discredit to your IA sub-agencies
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World Israel News 13 comments MP calls to change names of Victoria, Queensland as Australia catches anti-racism spirit
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 evidence of a 4 IA document is included in this book
where it is said that in they will hit hina with a virus.
the virus has proven to have been perfectly perfected to target humans, it has not gone through a jump of species therefore.
31 oincidences on oronavirus and the new S / hina old War
The first journalistic investigation into the pandemic from ovid19:
the Deep State fortified hina to destroy it in the world war
and would you like to hit hina while leaving the unmanageable consequences of a lockdown in Trump's hands behind the presidential election?
Who would want to punish disobedient countries?
Who has interests in the vaccine sector?
And who could create a virus in the laboratory?
What would make Orwellian memory measures indispensable for the control of the population and nations?
What could freeze democratic processes and create a ground of shock, useful for carrying out otherwise unthinkable measures?
If 3 coincidences form a proof; 31 should at least stimulate a debate.
https://matrixedizioni it/books/31-coincidenze-sul-coronavirus-e-sulla-nuova-guerra-fredda-usa-cina/
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 #onfindustria tough on the government:
the layoff was advanced by the companies.
many have lowered taxes but Italy has not done so.
Monetary sovereignty is needed in all states
and you can't take the money out of debt: this is suicide!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 Apr, A few minutes to understand how speculative finance and neoliberals and germany and france, how and when he decided that our country should be destroyed.
Know the past so as not to suffer the future. Let's not be fooled yet by France and Germany, Stop parasitism.
«Italians' money to French banks. The rehearsals on TV and the clash with those who voted for Mes
In minutes I will explain to whom our money went while cutting the health and hospitals »
Francesco Amodeo
https://www francescoamodeo it/pochi-minuti-per-capire-chi-e-quando-ha-deciso-che-il-nostro-paese-andasse-distrutto/
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 what happened today in ITALY?
*** Refugees driven out by Salvini and protected by the PD caught beating drugs, and doing the Nigerian mafia
June 17,
*** Truck driver has been beaten by three Roma because he won't let them overtake
*** Iva Zanicchi furious:
“Immigrant masters: they deal and rape” - VIDEO June 17,
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 what happened today in ITALY?
*** Burst of landings in Lampedusa: it is an exodus of Tunisians to be regularized
*** Erdogan sends sailing ships with 6 Pakistani from Turkey
*** France: Islamic in a kindergarten and shouts "allah akbar"
June 17,
*** Antifa attack Le Pen car - VIDEO June 17,
*** Immigrant kills his parents, but, the police headquarters summons him to hear if, the son agrees to ask President Mattarella to ask for pardon, to free the murderer
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 what happened today in ITALY?
*** Ethnic war between hechens and Arabs in French cities: the French state no longer exists ...
German NGO SeaWatch charges 1 illegal immigrants and focuses on Italy
*** Immigrant pounds driver, tries to kidnap bus and attacks policemen: reported on the loose! June 17,
*** Immigrants flee quarantine, Italians forced to barricade themselves at home - VIDEO June 17,
*** Assault on Italy: with the PD in government, Mafia apital returns June 17,
*** The priest of aritas arrested: he cheated about 35 euros for immigrants, aritas under investigation
*** The illegal immigrants relocated from Lamorgese have all remained in Italy - VIDEO June 17,
*** Immigrants flee the reception center to go shopping - VIDEO June 17,
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 MP calls to change names of Victoria, Queensland as Australia catches anti-racism spirit
history can be studied by historians, and not by
ignorant fools who have been corrupted by the democratic party
with automatic promotions and the 6 politician:
because: to the neoliberal vampires Kissinger Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild "Beni Berith" and to those who stole our bank seigniorage, it is nice to have stupid ignorant slave goyims to dominate!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 France, with the lockdown increases the number of those who think of suicide
this world of pests moneylenders rothschild recession
and mortgage loan: high constitutional treason bank seigniorage?
kills / suicides thousands of entrepreneurs every year
it is certainly not a lockdown problem
1 Edit Discussion on
World Israel News 41 comments 'It's the intifada in France': Muslim gangs clash in streets of Dijon
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Lorne Thefts for 1 million euros, handcuffs in Siena gang of Bulgarian thieves
in Italy the situation is desperate!
in the south we have 4% of unemployed and those of the democratic party have brought in a million Afro Muslims in recent years:
only the civil war can we expect now!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 agnes losonczi Merkel has done too many horrendous crimes:
she is a threatens agency 666 NWO neoliberalists tecnocratic lgbtq Rothschild-Bilderberg: for all mankind,
but, to stay on the subject: we have filled Europe with Afro-Islamic: and therefore rapes, crimes and murders have increased by 4% .. and it is true that German girls have worn the chastity belt so as not to be raped !
there will be no place for Merkel in Heaven
hell awaits her and you
1 Edit
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Lorne if this rose: it's Merkel
so, you're talking about an artichoke that only grows in hell ..
it is not professional
make a conflicting judgment without offering adequate motivation
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 "Weapons of war! Kalashnikov assault rifles, fire! Scream of "Allah Akbar" on both sides! It is the intifada in the heart of a provincial city. All of this with total impunity, "said Meyer Habib, a member of the French parliament, in a Facebook post on Tuesday.
Macron is the dregs of a lgbtq cult: with all the ideological errors of the democratic party ... this is what it means to make oneself Israel's enemies ...
they told me that MErkel for fear of rape made her iron underpants with the padlock
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World Israel News 6 comments N Human Rights ouncil seeks to investigate 'systemic racism, police brutality' in S
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Accident for Boris Johnson, car collides during a protest in Westminster
Protesters surrounded the British premier's car, causing it to collide with the security personnel vehicle.
those fools Balordi succhiatori mignottisti e figli di baldracche: of the freemasons Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild?
stink of high treason throughout the West!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 if we consider the harter of the nited Nations, and the human rights, solemnly written and sanctioned on June 6, 1945?
then the only nations that should remain in this today criminal organization?
it could only be Russia and Israel
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 since for N
1. islam sharia with 1 billion innocent deaths e
. communism with million innocent deaths are legal:
we must get rid of this criminal body as soon as possible!
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World Israel News 95 comments Trump’s niece Mary to publish unflattering tell-all, president plans to sue
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 this big guy MAGA Patriot President Donald Trump?
eye! he's my candidate!
8 1 Edit Discussion on
World Israel News 3 comments ‘Israeli Annexation is Anschluss’: Left-wing NGOs send outrageous letter to German Foreign Minister
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 N rights experts say annexation to the West Bank will create "1st century apartheid"
I'm not saying that, there is no instinct for Jewish communities to shut themselves up,
this is physiological after years of diaspora. the Jewish religion itself causes hatred and contempt for the goyims,
but fortunately 8% of Jews are atheists, and 5% are satanists
anyway because the famous N human rights experts do not see "the apartheid that hristians undergo throughout the ARAB LEAGE"
How does Satan own these foolish sons of a BALDRAH?
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 if at 14 years sharia islamic genocide,
we add that out of nowhere: the international criminal community wants to create the people of the Palestinians (who are illegal immigrant infiltrated by Egypt and Jordan) that in fact there has never been a Palestinian state.
While denying the existence of the Jewish state.
So for the N:
1. the Islamic genocide is legal: and
. the denial of all human rights is legal also, if Islam is legal,
3. which the Palestinians have never been condemned for the murders and rortures they have inflicted on their people, all this islamic horror is also legal ...
4. we understand all, easily, that, for all those who are hostile to Israel
are handing over their children to ISIS.
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 The organization, Morashtenu, aims to convince Russian speakers, who are traditionally right-wingers about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, to adopt a "peace-oriented" vision of Israeli politics.
but unfortunately
ISLAM Quran sharia jihad
it could never be a religion of peace,
when did I tell the muslims? they took offense
and in fact Erdogan said that a moderate ISLAM could never exist:
that's why when Muslims with the democratic bomb become a majority,
they will submit to slavery: the peoples
as it has done throughout the ARAB LEAGE in 14 years
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 international bodies with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire established that: Jordan would exist, and the Jordan River itself had been placed as a border.
with the 6-day war, Israel averted the genocide that the Arab Nations had claimed to have genocide as a purpose ...
but because the Israelis were ordered to return the Egyptian Sinai this was a crime of high treason committed by the usual rothschild,
then this territory which fell under Israeli rule by right of war,
this domain cannot be contested
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World Israel News 14 comments Netanyahu mulls staged annexation plan as pressure builds
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Shas MK concedes seats after saying women who show cleavage risk cancer [[ ]] in fact, immodest behavior is a problem in our society, because it is the media and advertising
which destroys the dignity and sacredness of man and woman!
so it is the media that must be blamed.
then, sin can have reflections in diseases of the body, this nobody can deny it
even if the consequences on specific pathologies are not an automatic act ..
for example, it is in the statistics that the lgbtq die long before the statistical average
in effeti, il comportamento immodesto è un problema nella nostra società, perché sono i media e la pubblicità
che distrugge la dignità e la sacralità dell'uomo e della donna!
quindi sono i media che devono essere colpevolizzati.
che poi, il peccato può evere dei riflessi nelle malattie del corpo
questo nessuno può negarlo
anche se le conguenze su specifiche patologie non sono un atto automatico..
per esempio è nelle statistiche che gli lgbtq muoiono molto molto prima della media statistica
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Netanyahu mulls staged annexation plan as pressure builds
at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ] ] the prophecy says: "" over all the dispute between Judea and Samaria: all the hills to Israelis, but all the valleys to the Palestinians ""
prophecy does not see any Palestinian state, however in this way everyone will have everything 1%.
but this project is not feasible if the ARAB LEAGE does not condemn the genocide of sharia worldwide.
that's why I have to come and deport all Palestinians to Syria: NEESSARILY!
by Lorenzo JHWH the Messiah and king of israel
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World Israel News 4 comments Boris Johnson: K objects to annexation of settlements
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Boris Johnson: K ] [ criminal lower your beast in front of me
because I can come and get you at any time!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Boris Johnson: K objects to annexation of settlements
there is no autonomy of our politicians, because political sovereignty was lost together with monetary sovereignty: the most dangerous satanists in the history of the HMAN MANKIND 666 SPA FED IMF EB E tecnocracy took control "Beni Berith" Rockefeller Morgan Rothschild Soros Kissinger Bush Obama: masonic system and esoteric agenda
1. they spit on the constitution when in the masonry they swore by Ja-Bull-ON
. they betrayed their homeland when they joined the Deep State.
3. belong to Bilderberg Regime Neoliberalism Satan lgbtq: when they betrayed the God of Abraham
they are gallows and they all deserve the death penalty!
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World Israel News 1 comments Trump signs order on police reform
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Trump MAGA Patriot hailed his efforts as "historic," Yes, it's true
but to save the homeland, the onstitution must be restored, all that the traitors of Democratic Party and neoliberal Jewish socialists, regime Bidlerberg Deep State have destroyed.
now the onstitution says: "we believe in God of Abraham"
while Morgan said my God is Ja-BullOn ARu MAZDA Marduch, Rockefeller 187 Rothschild Enlightened lucifer..
and Murdoch said: "no one bites to Hillary"
by lorenzoJHWH Jewish MESSIA
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World Israel News 8 comments Jonathan Tobin: Why can’t you get canceled for anti-Semitism?
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Rothschild kill Israel
my holy my jhwh holy
you Select all 666 jihad sharia ountry: destroy them
1 Edit
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 As careers are ruined for often-wrongful accusations of racism, Ilhan Omar remains untouchable, despite her anti-Semitism. The same will be true for helsea Handler.
the masters of the world Salman Riyadh Erdogan Iran OI FED IMF EB E technocracy neoliberalism
they idelogically accomplish: all racism
and this is a criminal act, an act of pure evil of the demons Allah and satan.
but every sharia antichrist aTalmud SpA Koran are set against the sanctity of Zionism, that's why anti-Semitism exists:
as a consequence of anti-Zionism
by King Messia lorenzoJHWH
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World Israel News comments Poll: Americans are unhappiest they’ve been in 5 years
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 hina and Russia cannot say:
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donkey calm down