questa non è una testata giornalistica

Supreme Court to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders

Immagine Lion Judah☦️ lorenzoJHWH • obviously: LGBT ideologies threaten the survival of mankind! Trump asks the Supreme ourt to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders  ovviamente: le ideologie degli lgbt minacciano la sopravvivenza del genere umano! Trump chiede alla orte Suprema di legittimare il licenziamento dei transgender Supreme ourt to legitimize dismissal transgenders lorenzojhwh nius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa Ehud Barak [Former Prime Ministers of Israel] as: patron, shareholder, and personal friend of Jeffrey Epstein, he is no longer fit or politically eligible Ehud Barak [Ex Primi ministri di Israele] come: frequentatore, azionista, e amico personale di Jeffrey Epstein, non è più idoneo o candidabile politicamente ilprimatonazionale it/esteri/quadro-clinton-vesti...

Almighty God Yahweh of Israel

#Rothschild #Bilderberg Morgan Rochefeller Soros #Trilaterale ] ELIGHTENED I PERFIDI [ I toni della polemica contro #George #Soros, il miliardario americano di origini ungheresi accusato di aver finanziato la tratta dei migranti dal Nord Africa all'Italia sostenendo Ong colluse attive nel Mediterraneo tra cui Moas, non si placano. Gli obiettivi di questa manovra secondo i dietrologi? Aiutare i profughi a stabilirsi nell'Europa dell'Est per sfruttare il malcontento generato da questo esodo di massa e far cadere gli attuali governi per rimpiazzarli con un'élite più illuminata. Oppure - è la seconda ipotesi - sostituire l'intera popolazione italiana con immigrati da utilizzare come operai a basso costo. Se così fosse, è utile ricordarlo, non è dato sapere quale destino il "perfido" Soros abbia in serbo per gli italiani.

hi è #George #Soros [ #Rothschild #Bilderberg Morgan Rochefeller, #Trilaterale ] ELIGHTENED i PERFIDI [ Soros è un ebreo di origini ungheresi. naturalizzato americano. Sopravvissuto all'Olocausto, Soros riuscì a trovare riparo, con il resto della famiglia, in Inghilterra, nel 1947. Allora diciassettenne, completò gli studi alla London School of Economics per poi buttarsi nel mondo delle banche d'affari OME AVVOLTOIO SPELATORE E AFFAMATORE di POPOLI: il commerciante degli schiavi.

hi è #George #Soros " Video relativi a soros femen " [ #Rothschild #Bilderberg Morgan Rochefeller, #Trilaterale ] ELIGHTENED i PERFIDI [ Le FEMEN furono appoggiate dall'Associated Press di George Soros? Femen e nazisti ucraini uniti nella lotta - l'interferenza
16 mag 14 - E' risaputo e documentato che le Femen sono finanziate da George Soros, multimiliardario a capo del suo Open Society Institute. Femen EXPOSED: Zionist Tools Funded by George Soros - YouTube
17 apr 17 - aricato da Verdant Servant
The prostitutes turned topless protesters of Femen exposed as George Soros' tools and agentes
Le Femen finanziate da quell'ebreo di Soros protestano in Vaticano ...
16 nov 14
George Soros dietro le Pussy Riot? |

hi è #George #Soros la ZOOLA" Video relativi a Soros femen " E PERHÉ VIENE ONORATO DAI NOSTRI POLITII DEL #PD [ #Rothschild #Bilderberg Morgan Rochefeller, #Trilaterale ] ELIGHTENED i PERFIDI [ Le Femen finanziate da quell'ebreo di Soros protestano in Vaticano, BLASFEMIA BESTEMMIA SATANISMO DEI FARISEI SPA FMI BM E loro: Femen crucifix protest in Vatican carted off by carabinieri ommenti • 69 ] [
LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak kaduri MESSIAH
Georg SOROS la zoccola! Pubblicato il 14 nov 14
WARNING: Some could find this footage disturbing.
Three topless Femen demonstrators have been dragged away from St. Peter's Square after simulating anal sex with crucifixes in a protest against the Pope outside the Vatican.

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i nemici della speranza di Israele! ] quando hanno urinato sulla foto del président Viktor Ianoukovitch? OME I FARISEI HANNO DEVASTATO LA RAINA? [ 1 dic 13 A Paris, les Femen urinent sur des photos du président ukrainien MA, hi è #George #Soros la ZOOLA" Video relativi a Soros femen " E PERHÉ VIENE ONORATO dai NOSTRI POLITII e massoni del #PD [ #Rothschild #Bilderberg Morgan, Rochefeller, #Trilaterale ] ELIGHTENED i PERFIDI [ Le Femen finanziate da quell'ebreo di Soros protestano in Vaticano, BLASFEMIA BESTEMMIA, sacrilegio, profanazione, tutto il SATANISMO dei FARISEI del Talmud SPA FMI BM E loro: Femen crucifix protest in Vatican carted off by carabinieri ] i nemici della speranza di Israele!
Pour protester contre la répression policière à Kiev, les Femen ont manifesté dimanche 1er décembre devant l'ambassade d'kraine à Paris où elles ont uriné sur des photos du président Viktor Ianoukovitch posées sur le trottoir. Durée: :5

Femen dice che George Soros non le FINANZIERÀ più, perché stanno aprendo un ramo in Israele! Daily Stormer 6 luglio 14. Il 5 giugno Femen apparentemente pubblicava su Facebook dal loro conto " FEMEN International " che avevano bisogno di più donazioni perché il loro sostenitore, George Soros, disapprovava l'apertura di un ramo del loro gruppo terroristico in Israele. [ hi è #George #Soros la ZOOLA" Video relativi a Soros femen " E PERHÉ VIENE ONORATO dai NOSTRI POLITII e massoni del #PD [ #Rothschild #Bilderberg Morgan, Rochefeller, #Trilaterale ] ELIGHTENED i PERFIDI [ Il post, che presenta una ragazza grigiastra grigiastra rivestita di ebrei in topless con una bandiera gay su un petto e una bandiera israeliana dall'altra, dice:
    ari seguaci, siamo in una merda!
    Il signor Soros ha scoperto che presto stiamo lanciando FEMEN Israele e fermato il suo investimento in FEMEN.
 Per favore dona! Puoi essere il nostro nuovo Soros. Questa non è la solita pagina di FEMEN Facebook, chiamata "FEMEN", anziché "FEMEN International", ma sembra essere autentica, e nessuno è lì affermando che è una pagina di troll.
Quello che sembra è che FEMEN stravaglia coloro che li hanno accusati di essere un'operazione ebraica finanziata da George Soros allo scopo di destabilizzare la società europea.
Non è ancora stata presentata alcuna prova - che sono a conoscenza - che FEMEN è infatti finanziato da Soros. Esiste però una prova ampia che, mentre attaccano inesorabilmente il cristianesimo e l'Islam, non attaccano l'ebraismo, che è molto più "patriarcale" e abusivo delle donne rispetto al cristianesimo, e forse ancor più dell'Islam, almeno nella sua forma ortodossa.
Sono stati ripetutamente fotografati con le Stelle di David dipinte su se stessi, che può solo essere un cenno agli ebrei che stanno effettivamente adempiendo il loro ordine giuda.
Stelle ebrei sulle troie FEMEN. È un grande segno dell'influenza che stiamo avendo sulla narrativa che FEMEN è costretta a fare uno scherzo sul fatto di essere un'operazione ebraica. Devono essere messi in discussione e devono leggere la Daily Stormer e altri siti che stanno spingendo questo fatto alla luce.
omunque, non credo che stiamo vedendo loro di aprire un ramo in Israele in qualsiasi momento presto. Possono esplodere contro la chiesa e dire alle ragazze musulmane di scappare le loro cime in segno di protesta di qualunque cosa sia quella che si suppone protesta, ma gli ebrei sono fuori limite.

Femen Says George Soros Won’t Fund Them Anymore Because They’re Opening a Branch in Israel [ hi è #George #Soros la ZOOLA" Video relativi a Soros femen " E PERHÉ VIENE ONORATO dai NOSTRI POLITII e massoni del #PD [ #Rothschild #Bilderberg Morgan, Rochefeller, #Trilaterale ] ELIGHTENED i PERFIDI [ Daily Stormer, July 6, 14, On June 5, Femen apparently posted to Facebook from their “FEMEN International” account that they needed more donations because their backer, George Soros, disapproved of them opening a branch of their terrorist group in Israel.The post, which features a grossly fat Jew-looking girl topless with a gay flag on one breast and an Israeli flag on the other, reads:
    Dear followers, we are in a deep shit!
    Mister Soros found out that soon we are launching FEMEN Israel and stopped his investment in FEMEN.
    Please, donate! You can be our new Soros
This is not the usual FEMEN Facebook page, which is just called “FEMEN,” rather than “FEMEN International, but it appears to be genuine, and no one is on there claiming it is a troll page.
What it appears is that FEMEN is mocking those who have accused them of being a Jewish operation financed by George Soros for the purpose of destabilizing European society.
There has yet been no proof presented – that I am aware of – that FEMEN is indeed funded by Soros.  There is amble proof though that while they attack hristianity and Islam relentlessly, they do not attack Judaism, which is much more “patriarchal” and abusive of women than hristianity, and maybe even more so than Islam, at least in its Orthodox form.
They have also been repeatedly photographed with Stars of David painted on themselves, which can only be a nod to the Jews that they are in fact fulfilling their Jew agenda.
Jew stars on FEMEN sluts, It is a big sign of the influence we are having on the narrative that FEMEN is forced to make a joke about their being a Jew-operation.  They must be getting questioned about it, and they must be reading the Daily Stormer and other sites which are pushing this fact into the light.
Anyway, I don’t think we are going to be seeing them opening a branch in Israel any time soon.  They may rage on against the church, and tell Muslim girls to take their tops off in protest of whatever it is that is supposed to be protesting, but the Jews are out of bounds. ] The Names of Almighty God Yahweh of Israel - He is Jesus hrist - From Genesis to Revelation ] This short film was built for the sole purpose of exalting Jesus hrist and showcasing His majesty. This is a group of ordinary people declaring the many names of God as are revealed in progression throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The result is anything but "ordinary".

The only True Beauty comes from a life Fully Surrendered to Jesus hrist.

We must fully understand that until the Lord Returns there are souls to reach and Ministries of Every Sort to be Performed.

The Bible teaches us that our responsibility as believers is to work uncompromisingly as the Lord has gifted us and leads us in this life.

We are responsible for our money, time, energy, talents, gifts, bodies, minds, and spirits, and we should invest in nothing that does not in some way contribute to the work of the Lord.

James tells us, “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead” (James :6)

Our work for the Lord, if it is truly for Him and done in His power, cannot fail to accomplish what He wants accomplished.

Every good work believers do has Eternal Benefits that the Lord Himself guarantees. Jesus tells us, “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” (Revelation :1).

Our motivation is that we have God’s own promise that our work “is not in vain” in the Lord “since you know that you will receive an Inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
It is the Lord hrist you are Serving” (olossians 3:4).

Because God has so abundantly provided for us who deserve nothing from Him, we should determine to give of ourselves abundantly in service to Him, to whom we owe Everything.

You cannot get close to God in pride. There is no access to God with pride.

It's about Having a Personal Relationship with our reator/Savior - Jesus hrist That Will Determine Where You Spend Eternity.

Jesus hrist is Everything or He's Nothing.

Jesus, being perfect in all aspects, bridged the gap between God and man, by becoming the only God-Man -- completely divine, yet completely human at the same time.

God's gift to mankind was Jesus hrist - His only son, Jesus came to earth to die for us on the ross, He took our hell on the cross that we deserved.

You can either accept the gift of Jesus and turn from your evil ways and sin to have everlasting life with God in Heaven or you will stand guilty in front of the gift that you Rejected when you Die.

Jesus says: I am the Truth and the Life, nobody comes to the Father except threw me.

There had to be a way to bridge the gap, to SAVE mankind from eternal separation from God. Jesus hrist is that Bridge.

God Wants 1% of Your Heart, not 5% - The Darkness is growing, we must arise and SHINE brighter to pierce it and prepare the way of the LORD!

Would you humbly go to God in prayer and ask Him to save you in the name of Jesus hrist?

The Fruit of Faith is Repentance and Saved people obey the teachings of Jesus hrist.

There is Power in the name of Jesus hrist and at the end of life you will meet God.

Jesus hrist will either be your Savior or be your Judge.

Jesus will give you the Strength that you need everyday to follow him. Trust Him!!!

He Promises You in his Holy Bible That he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Jesus wants to have a Personal Relationship with you as you walk with him daily.

hrist is The Savior of the Whole World and God is waiting for you with open arms and ready to forgive you of all your sins.

Amen and all the Glory be to God our Loving Father in Heaven and to the Lamb - Jesus hrist.

The Names of Almighty God Yahweh of Israel - He is Jesus hrist - From Genesis to Revelation

15.49 visualizzazioni
  • Pubblicato il 18 mar 16
    This short film was built for the sole purpose of exalting Jesus hrist and showcasing His majesty. This is a group of ordinary people declaring the many names of God as are revealed in progression throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The result is anything but "ordinary".

    The only True Beauty comes from a life Fully Surrendered to Jesus hrist.

    We must fully understand that until the Lord Returns there are souls to reach and Ministries of Every Sort to be Performed.

    The Bible teaches us that our responsibility as believers is to work uncompromisingly as the Lord has gifted us and leads us in this life.

    We are responsible for our money, time, energy, talents, gifts, bodies, minds, and spirits, and we should invest in nothing that does not in some way contribute to the work of the Lord.

    James tells us, “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead” (James :6)

    Our work for the Lord, if it is truly for Him and done in His power, cannot fail to accomplish what He wants accomplished.

    Every good work believers do has Eternal Benefits that the Lord Himself guarantees. Jesus tells us, “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” (Revelation :1).

    Our motivation is that we have God’s own promise that our work “is not in vain” in the Lord “since you know that you will receive an Inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
    It is the Lord hrist you are Serving” (olossians 3:4).

    Because God has so abundantly provided for us who deserve nothing from Him, we should determine to give of ourselves abundantly in service to Him, to whom we owe Everything.

    You cannot get close to God in pride. There is no access to God with pride.

    It's about Having a Personal Relationship with our reator/Savior - Jesus hrist That Will Determine Where You Spend Eternity.

    Jesus hrist is Everything or He's Nothing.

    Jesus, being perfect in all aspects, bridged the gap between God and man, by becoming the only God-Man -- completely divine, yet completely human at the same time.

    God's gift to mankind was Jesus hrist - His only son, Jesus came to earth to die for us on the ross, He took our hell on the cross that we deserved.

    You can either accept the gift of Jesus and turn from your evil ways and sin to have everlasting life with God in Heaven or you will stand guilty in front of the gift that you Rejected when you Die.

    Jesus says: I am the Truth and the Life, nobody comes to the Father except threw me.

    There had to be a way to bridge the gap, to SAVE mankind from eternal separation from God. Jesus hrist is that Bridge.

    God Wants 1% of Your Heart, not 5% - The Darkness is growing, we must arise and SHINE brighter to pierce it and prepare the way of the LORD!

    Would you humbly go to God in prayer and ask Him to save you in the name of Jesus hrist?

    The Fruit of Faith is Repentance and Saved people obey the teachings of Jesus hrist.

    There is Power in the name of Jesus hrist and at the end of life you will meet God.

    Jesus hrist will either be your Savior or be your Judge.

    Jesus will give you the Strength that you need everyday to follow him. Trust Him!!!

    He Promises You in his Holy Bible That he will never leave you nor forsake you.

    Jesus wants to have a Personal Relationship with you as you walk with him daily.

    hrist is The Savior of the Whole World and God is waiting for you with open arms and ready to forgive you of all your sins.

    Amen and all the Glory be to God our Loving Father in Heaven and to the Lamb - Jesus hrist.
    • ategoria

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    ommenti • 54
    LEVIATHAN KingxKingdom yitzhak kaduri MESSIAH
    Angels blow 4:1 !!! In this video: I removed the music base: in this video, yet, something has remained the same! warning! angeli soffiano 4:1 !!! in questo video: io ho rimosso la base musicale: in questo video, eppure, qualcosa è rimasto ugualmente! attenzione!
    The Endless Love of Jesus Ministries
    The Begotten always shares the same nature as the Begetter. If you don't know that Jesus hrist is God, then, you are not a hristian.
    The Endless Love of Jesus Ministries
    hrist never claimed that living for Him was going to be easy. His followers will be rejected; the world does not desire purity or godliness. A godly life will convict them and many will be determined to ignore God’s Word. Those who have been forgiven love God, and love is shown in obedience. Anyone who will be used by God will face persecution and trials. The path to Heaven is full of temptations that will always attack in the areas we have a liking or desire. When Satan tempts Jesus he does this and tries to make hrist distrust God’s provision and care only for Himself. When we face temptations we must walk by Faith. Jesus commands us to Pray that we may not enter into temptation. We will go astray and fall when trials come if we do not look to God alone. Human nature is weak, but God is able to supply our every need. When hristians face trials they are refined. hrist trusted in His Father, He lived a humble life and did not fall during the trials. Beware of any attitude of wanting to satisfy yourself whenever you want. Personal, fleshly ambitions are the cause of temptations. Sin is not an option! Personal ambition will only be overcome by those who are willing to suffer with hrist. Do not tempt God by looking for a shortcut or a way to compromise. hrist had to work through every test and temptation. We must get up and fight and be obedient through temptations and trials. Even your family can get in the way of you having the mind of hrist. God knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation. It is painful when family and friends do not accept Jesus hrist, but we must Always Remain Focused on Jesus hrist.
    Glenn Madrid
    The Endless Love of Jesus Ministries hi beloved? an I ask you Jesus hrist is the Father in Heaven and are you oneness only one person?,not Three Person 1 John 5:7 For there are Three record in Heaven and earth the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost these three are ONE.
    Glenn Madrid
    The Endless Love of Jesus Ministries The True GOD'S Doctrine is TRINITY 1 John 5:7.
    Nancy edar
    Another Beautiful Video, your videos always take all people to God our Father and to our Lord Jesus hrist. Amen.
    Elisa Maldonado
    Amen, I love this video, I love the part when you said: " The Begotten always shares the same nature as the Begetter. If you don't know that Jesus hrist is God then you are not a hristian". Amen to that! God Bless this Ministry.
    this video has put me in tears
    Elisa Maldonado
    KKJae187 - Me also, all of this Ministries videos always has me in tears and this Ministry's videos does and always brings people to God. A lot of other hristian Ministries always talk about death and the end is near but this Ministry's videos, Proclaims Jesus hrist = the ONLY way to the Father in Heaven. Amen.
    Me as well! Amazingly done! We have an Awesome God!
    Arthur Manlutac
    The Almighty Father, the reator of all came down from Heaven and lived as a man to redeem us from our sins. He is the Messiah/hrist and most people know Him as Jesus. I knew Him as Jesus but He later revealed to me His glorious Majesty Name - YAHWEH! Yahweh is His Name forever Exodus 3:15 "I am Yahweh that is My Name, and I will not give My glory to another" Isaiah 4:8 " I even I am YAHWEH, and beside Me, there is NO SAVIOR" - Father YAHWEH speaking. The Son (as His title/office) is His flesh/human body. Father Yahweh is Spirit and He manifested in flesh. 1Tim 3:16, Isaiah 9:6 To know the Father, look at the Son, know the Son because that is His human form. We were created in Yahweh's image. To you brother or sister who owns this channel, may this Truth be a blessing to you. May you exalt YAHWEH's Name so that His Name will be great among all nations. Read the O.T. and change all places of "the LORD" to the Name YAHWEH and you will see more that is hidden. May YAHWEH be with you as you do this. Peace to you!
    Jesus is God
    Arthur Manlutac You're denying the Holy trinity. You're claiming the Father the Son and Holy Ghost are not distinguished persons in the Godhead but merely titles of one person. This is a heresy that attacked the early church.
    tom losner
    WOW. Perfect video and I always learn so many more things about God and his son Jesus hrist from watching your videos.
    Erich Pengel
    All glory to Jesus ( Yeshua ) Amen
    ░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄    GOD is building an end time spiritual army ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ ☻/︻╦╤─   so powerful that Satan and his demons ll███████████████████]. /▌    will be forced back to hell, 1 years    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤..   / \          That army is the bride of hrist. Are you with us ?        The haracteristics of the Lord's Army Here are some of the characteristics of the end time army of the Lord. They will be young and old - Joel :8 They will be men, women, boys, and girls - Joel :8 They will be of every nationality (all flesh) - Joel :8 They will be "yielded vessels" - John 3:3 They will be willing - Psalm 11:3 They will seek His face - Psalm 4:6 They will be a part of ushering in the glory of the Lord - Isaiah 6:1 The glory of the Lord will be seen upon them - Isaiah 6: They will be militant - Matthew 11:1 They will be mighty - Joel :7 They will be skillful - 1 hronicles 5:18 They will be bold - Joel :7 They will be have great faith - Matthew 1:1 They will speak with power and authority - Luke 9:1 They will be fiery ministers - Psalm 14:4 They will do great exploits - Daniel 11:3 They will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom - Matthew 4:14 They will heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, and cast out devils - Matthew 1:8 Signs, wonders, and miracles will follow them - Mark 16: They will feed and clothe the poor and needy - Matthew 5:35-4 They will have such a love for their heavenly Father - Matthew :37 They will love all people, no matter who they are - Matthew :39 There will be unity and they will work together - Joel :7-8 The Lord's army will be kingdom minded and have these objectives; loving and knowing Him, souls and destroying the work of Satan (1 John 3:8b). This unity will come from an understanding, that each one has a purpose and a grace from the Father. Everyone will walk in their anointing and calling, and they will not fight with one another out of envy and jealousy. The Lord will do away with competition, strife, and envy. This all will happen when we understand that we all have a place and a job to do.
    arlenna Benner
    this is powerful video! I love you my Lord and my God with all my heart, soul, mind! I want to know God more every day! he is my every thing!
    The Endless Love of Jesus Ministries
    The most important reason that Jesus has to be God is that, if He is not God, His death would not have been sufficient to pay the penalty for the sins of the world (1 John :). A created being, which Jesus would be if He were not God, could not pay the infinite penalty required for sin against an infinite God. Only God could pay such an infinite penalty. Only God could take on the sins of the world ( orinthians 5:1), die, and be resurrected, proving His victory over sin and death.
    Akhil Jayan
    God bless you brother
    The Word/Jesus, explains who he is in Proverbs 8: -31                              “Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago. From time indefinite I was installed, from the start, from times earlier than the earth.  When there were no watery deeps I was brought forth as with labour pains, when there were no springs heavily charged with water. Before the mountains themselves had been settled down, ahead of the hills, I was brought forth as with labour pains, when as yet he had not made the earth and the open spaces and the first part of the dust masses of the productive land. When he prepared the heavens I was there; when he decreed a circle upon the face of the watery deep, when he made firm the cloud masses above, when he caused the fountains of the watery deep to be strong, when he set for the sea his decree that the waters themselves should not pass beyond his order, when he decreed the foundations of the earth, then I came to be beside him as a master worker, and I came to be the one he was specially fond of day by day, I being glad before him all the time, being glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things I was fond of were with the sons of men".
    preto shohmoofc guy
    GT I already told you. Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs. Solomon wrote three books. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Songs of Solomon. In all three, he takes on a second character. In Proverbs chapter 1-9 talks about Wisdom. And he personifies it and makes it into a woman. Examples: Prov 7:4 NWT "Say to Wisdom, "you are my sister". Prov 9:1 NWT "...She [Wisdom] says to the one lacking good sense." In Ecclesiastes, The book contains the philosophical and theological reflections of an old man, most of whose life was meaningless because he himself has not relied on God. Solomon takes on two roles. -one, humanistic, the other God's word. The first speaker, is the humanistic role. (Everything under the Sun) i.e not from heaven. This is why the phrase "under the sun" is quoted over times in this book. Finally, in the Songs of Solomon, Solomon takes on both roles of Male and Female. Exmaples: SoS 1: NWT "May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth.." SoS : NWT "...So is my darling among the maidens." Most Scholars agree, that the penmanship of SoS is written by only one person. Solomon. So Solomon used a type of poetic style of writings that role played. In Proverbs 1-9. Wisdom is the subject and he made it into a "her". Just the same as the Book of Revelation has "death riding on a pale horse". (Rev 6:8). A personification. Which is an allegory- a Figurative representation. That's all. It lines up with his style of writings.
    GT Jesus is not a woman.
    Nathaniel Modglin
    rying while I watched this, all of your videos, The Endless Love of Jesus Ministries, have this effect on me: praise hrist
    syrelle B.
    Jesus is Lord
    azhar a hafiz
    Track Peters
    He is, Yehovah our Elohim, He is Yeshua the Messiah...shalom
    thank you my children!! I really enjoyed this video!! :-)
    arlenna Benner
    i always love this video! God is good! i accept Jesus hrist as my Lord and Savior!
    Justine Bendoy
    amen love you all
    Esther Amma
    Amen Amen and Amen and bless his name Amen.
    sunil thomas
    Jesus is God
    Stephen orson
    Jesus is God Amen!
    Dion arter
    Rahmi Mutlu
    ...And "God" is not "Allah"..??Do you refuse to accept that "Allah" (which means "Eloh" ..and equals to "Eloh'im")..,have known this..?? Or this all about being a fanatic fan of soccer teams../ohh sorry i should say "religions" .Do you really beleive in this brain wash..? ...The jew's God is the greatest one../ohh wait a minute "Jesus" is gonna show them their day..?!! 😕 ..Ohh i know this is all about "ISIL" or "TALIBAN" or the other the other head choppers../cause you are seeding in to the minds that this hell raisers../"satan"s army..are representing "ISLAM"and "ALLAH" God Almighty..??! ..And what about the peaceful people..what about the people of merci and constructors of goodness in the name of God's order..? Whose army is "ISIL"...whose invention is it..? Who is feeding them whit money..? Whose guns do they use..? Who is able to organise such a huge crime organisation from ALMOST ALL ONTRIES...,belonging everything else than ISLAMI BELEIF of mercifulness...?? .."THINK.."!!!
    He is........My God!!
    Ran Wor
    God has many names he is eternal
    Ran Wor
    He is my God😇
    Hendrik IJzerman
    pray for me and for my brother
    naveen hugh
    Thank you soo so much for this video , truly appreciate it!! God bless you so much and may you continue your work and never stop ..God bless you
    arlenna Brattin
    great video! Love you God!
    matthew efe
    The Most Powerful God, yet humble.
    Olu Buley
    This was Prophetic!! Revelations 19:1... The testimony of Jesus is d Spirit of Prophecy!!
    Nicole Angelo Rome
    I choked up trying to hold back my tears in public; that was extremely moving. Thank you so much for the effort to compile each and every Name that God has in Jesus hrist. To Him be the glory forever and ever! AMEN!
    I AM I AM
    That was so overwhelming even for a no one like me that a no one like me would run away if this was made for me. He is that great. Our Jesus hrist is the greatest right after the almighty God. Truly.
    That was pretty powerful and I really needed that right now, thanks.
    Krishan Gunaratne
    praise the lord my God my saviour.i kno i wil get wat i need from u.thank u jesus son of the God al mighty God.amen
    la belle dame
    Who shed tears as they listened to this video? My king reigneth forever. I love you Jesus.
    sunil thomas
    Kenny marker
    JOHN chapter 8 verse 4, Jesus said unto them, if god were youre father, ye would love me: for i proceeded forth and came from god; neither came i of myself, but he sent me. Jesus is not GOD ALMIGHTY!!!!!!
    Jiv Marmeto
    Wonderful. Thank you.

    Femen Says George Soros Won't Fund Them Anymore Because They ...
    6 lug 14 - On June 5, Femen apparently posted to Facebook from their “FEMEN ... Mister Soros found out that soon we are launching FEMEN Israel and ...

    Jewish Billionaire George Soros ancels Funding Of Radical Feminist ...
    7 gen 15 - Jewish Billionaire George Soros ancels Funding Of Radical Feminist Group FEMEN When They Announce An Israel Branch (

    Soros Stopped funding FEMEN - Roosh V Forum
    5 gen 15 - 16 post - ‎13 autori
    According to FEMEN international, funding stopped because they planned on an Israel branch. This is probably ineffectual in stopping wild ...
    7 feb 16 - George Soros funded the feminist group FEMEN and cut them off when they formed an Israeli branch. Jews fund open border activist groups ...

    femen-soros-israel - Breiz Atao - Traduci questa pagina
    femen-soros-israel. Published juillet 7, 14 at 116 × 57 in Ouvrant une branche en Israël, le milliardaire juif George Soros ne veut plus financer les Femen.

    Ouvrant une branche en Israël, le milliardaire juif George Soros ne ...
    femen-soros-israel. BREIZATAO – ETREBROADEL (7/7/14) Encore un exemple caricatural de double discours. Le milliardaire juif George Soros, soutien ...

    The Jewish Supremacist Hypocrites behind the Radical Feminists ...
    9 dic 14 - The revelation that Jewish Supremacists are behind Femen explains why this ... In ultra-orthodox dominated areas—in Israel, but also in New York ity, .... route — by the Soros-funded National Endowment for Democracy.

    George Soros desfinancia FEMEN en Israel - Killeringa!
    El señor Soros ha averiguado que pronto estaremos lanzando FEMEN Israel y él ha dejado de invertir en FEMEN. Por favor, donen, ustedes pueden ser ...

    Soros : après les Femen et les No Borders, l'affaire Panama Papers ...
    8 apr 16 - Mais l'ingratitude étant ce qu'elle est, BDS (Boycott Apartheid Israël) a ... Soros déverse aussi son fric sur les Femen et LGBT, évidemment, ...

    George Soros ancels Funding of FEMEN When FEMEN Announces Israel ... › News › Newslinks & Articles
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    Femen Says George Soros Won't Fund Them Anymore Because They're Opening a Branch in Israel | Daily Stormer I wonder why that could be ...

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