Supreme Court to legitimize the dismissal of the transgenders

in 1998 35 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa&Co and Mosques of Sharia Allah death to all infidel unclean Chinese kafirs, decided that I should become: **** the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) **** an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians **** universal procurator & worldwide governor Unius
For about 4 years, however, God did not reveal to the Jewish People where He would place His name; nevertheless, 37-year-old King David chose Jerusalem for a capital, after reigning over Israel for seven years from the city of Hebron.
He captured Jerusalem from the neighboring Jebusites, even though it wasn’t located on a major trade route or the sea or even on a river, which would have been perhaps a more logical location.
Some speculate that David chose this city for the capital because it had yet to be conquered. Therefore, it was politically neutral within the 1 tribes, even though it falls within the land allotments for the Tribe of Benjamin and the Tribe of Judah.
He captured ancient Jerusalem using a vulnerability in the water shaft of the Gihon Spring, which emerged from a cave above the Kidron Valley on the eastern slope of what would come to be known as the ity of David. From there, water flowed into the valley ( Samuel 5:8).
"David then took up residence in the fortress and called it the ity of David. He built up the area around it, from the terraces inward." ( Samuel 5:9–1)
At the ity of David in Jerusalem, Israel has uncovered the ruins of the
impressive anaanite fortress that once protected the city and guarded
the precious Gihon Spring.
The Gihon Spring: Jerusalem’s Only Water Supply
The Gihon Spring, whose name comes from the Hebrew verb "to gush forth," is the only natural source of water in Jerusalem.
It draws water from an underground cave that fills with groundwater accumulating from the rain and snow of Israel's winters.
At the point of capacity, the Gihon empties through cracks in the rock and the water siphons to the surface.
The Israelites used pools and cisterns to collect the overflow, which was a common method of storing water.
Part of the tunnel and pool system uncovered in the ity of David.
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That water ebbed and flowed throughout the day, the frequency depending upon the season. But a consistent supply of water is the usual requisite for an arid city to survive and expand successfully.
To overcome this shortcoming, ingenious systems were designed to aid collection of water and cause it to flow upward.
“The complex water system under the ancient city of Jerusalem includes not only a maze of tunnels, but also walls—walls that served as dams, raising the level of the water. One of the walls … blocked the water from flowing directly out into the Kidron Valley at the Gihon Spring, and instead, steadily raised the water level” until it “flowed into the tunnel,” states Avraham Faust in “Warren’s Shaft, Yes, It Really Was sed to Draw Water.” (Biblical Archaeology Review)
This photo of Solomon's Pools, part of an ancient waterway supplying
water to Jerusalem, was taken between 189 and 195. The pools are
located 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) southwest of Bethlehem and are thought
to have provided water to the Temple Mount.
Solomon’s Pools
David’s son Solomon was anointed as king at the Gihon Spring at King David's order. The Temple that he built required large amounts of water for “bathing and ritual immersion, rinsing animal sacrifices and cleaning sacrificial blood.” (Temple Mount)
It is believed that Solomon constructed a complex aqueduct system from Hebron to Jerusalem in 95 B. This system along with the many cisterns that collected rain water supplied the priests with much of the Temple's water supply.
Evidence of the pper Aqueduct (which might have ended at Hezekiah’s Pool) and Lower Aqueduct (which supplied the Temple Mount) still exists. Water from this system of aqueducts was found to be still flowing in 1967.
Although some attribute the construction of this system to Solomon, others date the earliest phase of the construction of the Lower Aqueduct to the Hasmonean era (14 B–37 B).
A family navigates Hezekiah's Tunnel. (Photo credit: Go Israel)
Hezekiah’s Tunnel
"It was Hezekiah who blocked the upper outlet of the Gihon Spring and channeled the water down to the west side of the ity of David. He succeeded in everything he undertook." ( hronicles 3:3; see also Kings :)
In times of war, the water supply beyond Jerusalem's walls would be a point of weakness for the city, which would fall under siege more than a dozen times.
The Bible tells us that King Hezekiah (715–686 B) sought a method of securing the Gihon so that Jerusalem’s water supply was not vulnerable to being cut off during the siege of the Assyrian king, Sennacherib (71 B).
He dammed up the waters and cut a channel through the Ophel (the ity of David, the eastern hill of the city) to the Pool of Siloam ( hronicles 3:3).
The 1,76 foot (536 m) tunnel is a marvel of the engineering methods of Hezekiah's age. Two teams of laborers started at opposite ends and met in the middle.
The Shiloah (Siloam or Silwan) inscription, which was written ,7 years
ago during the reign of King Hezekiah, states that the work on the tunnel
began at both ends simultaneously and proceeded until the stonecutters
met in the middle. It was discovered inside the Hezekiah tunnel, which
brings water from the Gihon Spring to the Pool of Siloam, located in the
ity of David in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Shiloah.
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Today, a tour of the tunnels is considered a highlight of any visit to the ancient ity of David—a kind of Indiana Jones adventure.
“As visitors slosh through the water, their flashlights pick up the marks of the ancient pickaxes, going in one direction until the meeting point and then going the other way. The water-walk takes about 45 minutes, and is recommended for visitors of all ages tall enough to wade through about two feet of flowing water,” the Go Israel website states.
“For land-lubbers, new excavations have revealed another tunnel, now dry but that still gives a sense of the greatness of Jerusalem's long ago laborers, monarchs and engineers,” it continues.
A Jewish lad explores Hezekiah's tunnel with a
flashlight in hand.
The Prophecy of Living Waters
"The Lord says to my lord: 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.' The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion, saying, 'Rule in the midst of your enemies!'" (Psalm 11:1–)
Of all the waters that flow in Jerusalem, the most impressive are the prophesied Living Waters that will flow from the Temple to come, at the dawn of the Messianic era when Yeshua (Jesus) returns.
On that day, the Lord will return to fight against the nations who gather against Jerusalem in battle (Zechariah 14:4).
While Jerusalem's Gihon continues to refresh the people, the prophet Zechariah promises a glorious, abundant source of Living Water.
“On that day Living Water will flow out from Jerusalem, half of it east to the Dead Sea and half of it west to the Mediterranean Sea, in summer and in winter. The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and His name the only name." (Zechariah 14:8–9)
Israeli children, who have exited Hezekiah's Tunnel at the Pool of Siloam,
play in the water that originates at the Gihon Spring.
The prophet Ezekiel also had a vision of Jerusalem's Living Water. He foresaw at the entrance of the rebuilt Temple "water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east" and "from under the south side of the temple, south of the altar." (Ezekiel 47:1–)
Of course, Believers in Yeshua already have the privilege of experiencing the Living Waters that flow from the indwelling of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).
"Yeshua stood and said in a loud voice, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.' By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive.” (John 7:37–39)
While Yeshua is preparing a place for us in Heaven, we can experience His presence daily because His Ruach (Spirit) lives in us.
The Word of God also promises that in the Last Days, there will be a great outpouring of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and that the Jewish People will understand that Yeshua is the promised Messiah and be saved. (Zechariah 1:1–1)
And when He returns, Jerusalem’s water will be miraculously transformed into a real-life illustration of our ever-faithful King, who is Himself the fount of Living Water pouring out from the heights of Jerusalem into the world.
“For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah :3)
The infilling of the Ruach empowers us, Lorenzo, to live victorious lives, bringing the water of the Word of God to the Jewish People and the nations.
You can be part of God's end-time plan for Israel by helping this ministry boldly proclaim the Good News of Yeshua, the Fountain of Living Waters, in these Last Days.
"For if their rejection brought reconciliation to the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?" (Romans 11:15)
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"For I am ready to set things right, not in the distant future, but right now! I am ready to save Jerusalem and show My glory to Israel." (Isaiah 46:13)
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Gentile sostenitore,
noi di SOS Ragazzi possiamo dirci sollevati: tu, e tanti altri (siete stati oltre .1), avete risposto con calore e coinvolgimento ai nostri ultimi appelli: grazie davvero per la tua partecipazione!
erto, nessuno di noi, e in primo luogo tu ed io, vorrebbe che le nostre convinzioni e le nostre idee, che si fondano sull’ordine naturale, vengano accantonate nel generale disinteresse (i media sono abili a distrarci dalle vere questioni con notizie fuorvianti o artefatte: altro che le fake news!), o peggio schiacciate da chi invece vuole il caos e la sovversione delle cose!
Proprio costoro sanno che stravolgendo il concetto di famiglia, destrutturandolo in ogni suo componente (dall’aspetto genitoriale a quello della figliolanza, naturale o d’adozione che sia) potranno tentare di imporre il loro mondo alla rovescia. Ma tu e io, insieme a tanti altri, non lo possiamo permettere.
Possiamo accettare che qualcuno prevarichi, con l’autorità che gli è conferita, sentenziando a favore delle “adozioni omosessuali” (o magari, chissà, in futuro su altre questioni, come la “droga libera”, ad esempio), sostituendosi di fatto al Parlamento, cui spetta invece di far leggi?
Ti chiedo per questo un ultimo sforzo: perché il nostro appello al Presidente del onsiglio On. Paolo Gentiloni Silveri vada a segno, e coinvolga più persone possibili, se ancora non lo hai fatto, sottoscrivi la nostra richiesta!
ompila il modulo!
E per cortesia, Gentile sostenitore: ancora uno sforzo, piccolo, ma fattibile e concreto. Gira a quanti più contatti mail possibile questo nostro appello, raccomanda ai tuoi amici di aderire: abbiamo bisogno di poter spedire a quante più persone di buona volontà e di giuste idee l’appello al Presidente del onsiglio!
È un’azione che non ti costa nulla, solo qualche minuto e un click. Se poi ti è possibile, posso domandarti anche un piccolo sostegno economico? Tante gocce possono fare un fiume in piena, che con la sua forza dirompente può cambiare il corso innaturale che qualcuno ha prefissato.
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Diego Zoia
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Gentile sostenitore,
possiamo proprio dirlo: il entenario di Fatima è alle porte!
Mancano solo 4 giorni al 13 maggio e sarei felice di arrivare a questo importante momento insieme.
1 anni fa, in questi giorni, nessuno avrebbe potuto immaginare che cosa sarebbe accaduto.
Nessuno avrebbe potuto immaginare che la Vergine Maria avrebbe scelto tre semplici pastorelli per comunicare al mondo intero il suo messaggio di ammonimento e di speranza.
Dal 13 maggio 1917 sono trascorsi ormai quasi 1 anni, ma sono ancora molti coloro che non conoscono il potente messaggio della Vergine di Fatima.
Molti sono coloro che pur conoscendolo, non hanno iniziato a seguire le indicazioni di Maria e vivono ancora nel dubbio e nel buio.
Per loro e per tutti noi, ti invito quindi ad accendere una candela virtuale.
Accendi la tua candela!
In questi pochi giorni illumineremo il mondo intero con la luce della fede e avremo la possibilità di pronunciare il nostro Sì a Maria.
Accendi la tua candela!
Accendere una candela virtuale sarà un piccolo e semplice gesto per dire anche il personale tuo affidamento e la tua invocazione alla Vergine Maria.
Non perdere questa occasione di unirti alla preghiera di moltissimi altri sostenitori di Luci sull’Est, anche alla mia preghiera di affidamento alla nostra madre celeste.
Se hai già acceso la tua candela di preghiera, invita una persona che ti è cara a farlo.
Accendi la tua candela!
Sarà bello poter vivere e pregare insieme in questo momento storico!
Per 1 giorni le tue invocazioni, le tue preghiere, staranno davanti alla nostra Madre celeste e chiederanno il suo aiuto!
Lascia le tue personali intenzioni di preghiera insieme alla luce della candela del entenario!
Saranno portate a Fatima proprio il prossimo 13 maggio; hai tempo fino alle 1: di giovedì 11 maggio!
Accendi la tua candela!
Nelson Fragelli
Presidente Associazione Luci sull’Est
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Associazione Luci sull'Est